Harry Potter

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I open my eyes and crawl out of bed and slip on a big sweatshirt. Probably Gene's. I shrug.

I get myself some cereal and sit in the living room watching Stranger Things while eating. I feel like just sitting at home and being a couch potato.

Gene groggily walks out and rubs his eyes, "Y/N?"

"I'm on the couch!" I yell.

He walks into the living room and I pause Netflix. He sits next to me. "Whatcha watching?"

"Stranger Things." I shrug.

He rolls his eyes, "Pfft, let's watch something better."

"Is there anything better?"

"HARRY POTTER, DUH!" He shouts.

I shrug again, "I've never watched."

"Until now." He turns it on.

I cuddle with Gene and stare at the TV. At first, I'm bored. Depressed dude, cupboard under the stairs, scar, blah blah blah.

We sit there for an hour, then I finally get into it. The movie ends. I glance at Gene.

"Any thoughts?"



I nod vigorously, "VERY!"

"WHAT ABOUT ME?!" He gasps.

I smirk, "Mreh."

He rolls his eyes and laughs then he pulls me into a hug, I smile and hug back.

"So about what you said last night.."

"Hm?" I tilts my head, playing it cool even though I'm dying inside.

"I love you too."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now