Sleeping Just Makes You Even More Tired

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We finished packing our bags. I yawned at flopped onto the couch.

"Why did we pack for 5 hours straight?" I whine to Gene.

He laughs a tired laugh. "Because we'll be gone for a month and a half, hun."

"Well, that can wait. I need sleep." I yawn again.

He chuckles. I stand up, but instantly fall backwards. As soon as we had gotten home from the reception, it was 10:00 pm. It's now 3 am.

I'm so tired.. I yawn again.

I feel Gene pick me up bridal style. I cuddle and melt into his warmth. I feel him put me down and set me on the bed.

"Nooo..." I groan with my eyes still closed. I flail my arms around, looking for him.

He chuckles and yawns. "I'm coming."

I feel him get into bed next to me. I instantly throw my arms over him. I hear him laugh quietly. He hugs me tightly and doesn't let go.

"I love you, babe." He smiles, kissing my forehead.

"I.. love.. you.. too.." I muster out before falling into a deep sleep.


"Get up Y/N.." He groans for the fifth time.

"Noooo~ Come back and sleep~..." I yawn.

He lifts me up out of bed. "We have to go~"

I squirm and try to escape his arms to get back into the bed- but he's too strong. He throws me over his shoulder and walks out to the car.

"Gene! P-Put me down! I'm awake! I'm a-awake!" I giggle and rub my eyes.

He sits me in the passenger's seat. "I'm gunna get the luggage. You stay here and stay awake and alert."

"Alright." I nod.

"Just yell if something happens.." He continues.

I yawn, "Okay."

"Like I'm serious, if anything suspicious happens, just scream and-."

I interrupt him and laugh. "Gene, you'll literally be gone in 10 second incrementes."

"Well.. a lot could happen in 10 seconds. Every other time I've left you alone.. or even left Melody alone..."

"Melody's with mom. And I'll be fine. Mkay?"

"If you insist... just stay safe."

I nod. "Okie dokie."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now