The Best Wife in the World.

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Chapter 69 ;)
I yawn as I sit on the floor playing barbies Melody.

"Mommy- I mean... Stacy, look! It's Beyonce!!" She squeals, referring my dark skinned, afro-d barbie named Stacy.

"Wow, Chrissy I can't believe she's here!" I say in an enthusiastic tone, in spite of my fatigue.

She yawns, "Mommy, I'm sleepy."

"Yeah, hun. So am I. Are you sure you still wanna wait up for Daddy? He should be home soon.."

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Gene opens the front door and runs towards us. "My two favorite people!"

He hugs Melody, "It's way past your bedtime!"

"I wanted to wait for you to get home from work,  Daddy." She smiles.

"Thanks, sweetie. Did you already have dinner?" He asks.

She nods. "Mommy made yummy lasagna! Now I'm very tired."

"Well, let's get you tucked in." He smiles and picks her up.

She giggles as he carries her upstairs. "Cmon momma!"

I follow them upstairs. Gene puts her onto her bed and I pull her blue comforter over her. I fluff her pillow and she lays down. We both kiss her head and make our way towards the door.

"Wait! Daddy, you forgot to check under the bed and in the closet monsters!" She whines.

Gene turns around and peeks under her bed, and then he strolls over to her closet and thoroughly checks it. "Clear, and clear. Good night, kiddo."

"Thanks! Night Daddy! Night Mommy! I love you!" She smiles and rolls onto her side.

"I love you, too." We say in unison and turn off the light.

Gene kisses my cheek as we exit and shut her door. "I love you."

"I love you, too, dork." I chuckle.

"I'm the dork?" He laughs, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not the one with the Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas bobble heads."

"Hey! Stranger Things is a popular fandom!" I laugh.

He hugs me. "Fine, I'll be the dork. But at least I'm a dork with, legit, the best wife in the world."

"Why am I the best wife in the world?" I blush a little.

"Okay, first of all- you tolerate me. Second, you're great at-" He coughs and my face turns bright red. "And third.... YOU MADE ME FOOD!"

He picks me up bridal style and carries me.

"G-GENE!!" My face gets redder.

Instead of taking me to the kitchen, he lays me down on the bed and starts kissing my neck.

(No, not a lemon chapter xD)

I grab the sheets and moan. "G-Gene..?"

"Yes, darling?" He asks, looking me in the eye and parting my lips with his finger.

I'm so euphoric that I struggle to answer: so I inhale deeply. "P-Please, not right now.. I feel sick..."

He frowns and climbs off of me. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah... I-" I jump up and run to the bathroom and crouch over the toilet. I release an enormous amount of vomit into it.

Gene runs in and holds back my hair. "U-Uh... are you okay? It's alright... I'm in here.."

I flush the toilet and look up at him.

"You look pale.. and tired.." He walks me to the bed and lays me down. "Get some rest."

I nod my head slightly and fight against my heavy eyelids. "I love you.."

"I love you, too.." He kisses my forehead. "I'm gunna check on Melody and get you a water bottle, then I'll be right back."

"You don't have to..." I yawn.

"Psh, yes I do, hang tight."

I fall asleep while he's out of the room but I feel him, later, climb into bed. Even though my stomach is in shambles, I'm at peace...

Until I throw up again.

This will be a long night.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now