The Reception

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"C'mon Y/N, dance~" Gene begs.

"Nope." I cross my arms and shake my head.

He frowns. "Whyyyyyy?"

"I don't dance. I'd rather not break my leg.... or scar your eyes." I giggle.

"Really?" He grabs my hand and pulls me up to my feet. "Please~?"

"Fine, but I have two left feet.."

He chuckled and kisses my cheek. I roll my eyes and laugh. We dance around the dance floor. I step on his feet a few times, at which I apologize profusely.

"I'M SORRY! I DID IT AGAIN!" I apologize.

He laughs, "It's fine babe. I've gotten used to it by now."


He interrupts me by hugging me and lifting me up into the air.

I laugh a bit. "G-Gene! Put me down!"

He whispers quickly in response, "I don't want to. But even if I did I wouldn't because someone just showed up that we weren't expecting to be here. So pretend to be having the time of your life."

"Wait, I am having the time of my life? Gene whats going-"

Zenix and Sasha approach us. "Congrats you two."

Gene smiles brightly and puts me down on my two feet. "Thank you!"

"Mreh..." I mutter. Gene nudges me, so I perk up and follow his lead. "Thanks. We're soooo happy together!"

Sasha glances at me. "Sorry for intruding on your wedding. But we wanted to apologize."

"Mhm." Zenix nods.

I feel my face heating up. Apologize?! They can't apologize! They've done so much to our family... to us... and they want to apologize?!?!

Gene glances at me, the anger evident behind his fake smile. "Well..."

I let it all out at them. "Apologize?! You want to... apologize?! You cannot apologize or fix the damage and trauma you've done to our family! Who do you think we are?!"

"We had our motives. But now that their out of the way, we wanted to be friends again." Sasha responds, calmly.

I shake my head. "I don't think I could ever look at you two in the same way!"

I glance over at Gene for back-up. He's whispering to Zenix.

"Well?" I cross my arms.

"Well, Y/N.." He says softly, in that voice that melts my heart. "We should give them a chance.."

I sigh. "But.. T-They-"

He wraps his arms around me. "I know, I know.. but don't you want to pretend it never happened?"

"Y-Yeah.. but I don't know-"

"Well, you can try.." He kisses my forehead.

I shut my eyes tightly and reopen them a few seconds later. "F-Fine.."

He smiles. "Thank you."

"Great!" Sasha cheers.

Zenix smirks, "Awesome!"

"Attention!" I hear moms voice say into the microphone. I smile up at her. I'm still in Gene's arms- which is perfectly fine with me. "I don't know about about ya'll, but I'm definitely craving some cake!"

I giggle and drag Gene towards the wedding cake. Mom hands me the microphone. "Well, I know what the best part of the wedding will be. What do you think Gene?"

He smiles, "I agree."

But I don't think we're on the same wave-length. I smirk and take a piece of cake and shove it in his face.


"I thought you said it was your favorite part~" I grin.


Mom hollers with laughter and so do I.

I kiss him, despite his cake-y face. "I love you Gene."

"I love you too, Y/N."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now