Gene's Issue

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Its a matter of hours before we land. Gene is tense, I can feel it. He keeps snapping at me.

"Well, you have to drink if you want to feel better!" He shouts.

"S-Sorry...!" I cry.

He sighs and rubs his temples.

I sit up. "G-Gene.. what's the matter..?"

"It's nothing.."

"Gene.." I pat his back, "Please..?"

He sighs, "It's just... every time I turn the corner you or Melody is gone or hurt... I just want to spend time with you guys without stressing about protecting you..."

My heart shatters as tears come out of my eyes, unable to say anything. ".."

"And it's not your fault!" He adds quickly, glancing at me. "But I just want to relax with my wife and daughter.. I don't want you two to be in constant danger..."

I'm still crying, even though he said it's not my fault. I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly. He lays his head in the crook of my neck.

"Sh.. don't cry, hun.." He runs his fingers through my hair.

My heart hurts. "I'm s-so sorry.."

"Sh, sh... I'm sorry for bringing it up.. It's okay.. Sh..." He whispers soothingly in my ear.

I shake my head and wipe the tears from my head, "N-No... I'm sorry.. for c-crying.."

He laughs a bit, "It's not your fault..."


"Shh... it's fine. We should just.. forget it all together... That was the only thing bothering me, and now that I say it out loud... it'd gunna be fine." He says hesitantly. I know he's not telling the truth though. Something is definitely going on...

I sigh and try to forget about it. My stomach and my head hurt.. I honestly need sleep.

I lay back down and he kisses my head. "Need... anything?..."

I shake my head. "N-No.."

I tremble and drift off into sleep.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now