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I pace around the bedroom. Gene is at the Lycan's with Aaron and I keep hearing foot steps downstairs. My first instinct is to call Gene or Mr. Lycan, but whoever is downstairs may hear me.

It hits me, I should probably hide. My eyes dart around the room. There's a pile of clothes, there's the bed, a desk, and a closet. I quickly and quietly walk towards the closet. I ever so slightly open it, climb in, and ease it shut.

I hear the footsteps come towards the door and I realize that I left my phone on the desk in the room. I debate whether or not I could make it and decide that I can't. I hear the bedroom door creak open. I want to scream. I want to yell and run, but I shouldn't: so I won't.

The footsteps circle around the room. They'll probably find me. The closet it a cliche hiding spot. They'll be in here soon... What am I gunna do?!

I glance around the closet. I am in dire need of a weapon. No such luck, unless you count a hanger or something. It probably won't be very helpful, so I don't grab it.

The closet door abruptly opens and my heart pounds inside my chest.

"G-Go away!" I yell in the mist threatening voice I can manage at the moment.

I look up and see my dreaded, horrible, insane, and abusive father. He smirks down at me, a knife in his hand.

"Why, hello Y/N." He grins evilly.

"G-GENE!" I scream for help.

He grabs my arm and cuts it. "This should be fun."


(Skipping the violence)

I lay on the floor helplessly. There was a big slash down my back and some cuts on my face and arms. I expected him to go on, but he snuck out the window when he heard the front door open.

"Y/N? I'm home!" He yells from downstairs.

I'm too weak to answer, so I stay silent.

When he doesn't hear an answer, I hear his footsteps pounding rapidly up the stairs. He throws the bedroom door open and glances around the room before he notices me.

"Y/N!" He runs towards me. "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

"G-Garte...! He.. he.. came! I don't... k-know... I don't know h-how!" I cry.

He hugs me tightly, careful not to come in contact with and cuts.

"Shh... shh..." He says on the verge of anger. "Lets.. get you bandaged up..."

I nod weakly as he carries me downstairs.


"O-OW! G-GENE... THAT HURTS!" I whine was he washes my back.

( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

You see, I was in the bathtub so he could wash us the blood and such. But since I'm not entirely comfortable without my clothes on, I was in the bathtub... with them still on.

He lifts my shirt up out of the way. "Almost done... We would've been done  sooner if I didn't have to move your shirt out of the way every 10 seconds."


"Shh, don't waste you energy....... Done!" He smiles.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now