Terror Back in Phoenix Drop

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Blaghhhhh I screwed things upp...

Meanwhile back in Phoenix Drop...

Zianna sat on her couch with a kid in her lap and Beyoncé blaring throughout the house.

"You know, you really tire me out, kiddo." She sighed.

Melody giggled, "Maybe you need to take a nap!"

She laughed, "Let's get you to bed before I sleep. Okie dokie?"

"Okie dokie!!!" Melody smiled and hopped off Zianna's lap.

She ran upstairs and Zianna ran after her. She may be getting older, but she'll never be out of shape.

Melody sat in her bed and Zianna tucked her in. "Goodnight sweetheart."

"Nighty night Zi-Zi!" She yawned and closed her eyes.

Zianna smiled, turned out the lights, and walked downstairs. She flopped on the couch.

"Children..." She muttered.

The front door creaked open. Zianna peeked up and saw an unfamiliar face. "Who are you?"

The person smiled, "The only thing you've ever feared."

Zianna tilted her head, "What? Get out of my house."

"You see," the man ignored her. "When Garte died, he left his plan behind on the kitchen counter of his apartment complex in Starlight wonderland. I picked them up and well, decided that this couldn't go unfinished. So, I'm going to finish what he started... here and now."

"Monologging doesn't get in done any faster. I know what Garte wanted to so and I'm more than ready to accept my fate. Just one request, please?"

"Hmph. What?"

"Don't harm the child. He wanted to kill all blood relatives of mine. Melody isn't blood and neither are Vylad, Y/N, and Gene."

"Fair enough."

"Oh, I'm not done. Touch my sons and I will do anything in my other-worldly powers to make you miserable. Clear?"

He grumbled, "Crystal."

"Oh, and by the way, Ein." Zianna sighed.

"I know, I know. I need to do this 'killers keep quiet' style."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now