Don't Turn Me Away Now

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Trigger warning: if you have ever lost a loved one, this chapter may not be suitable.

Gene's POV

Y/N sits on the couch. I say "sits", but I really mean "slouching on the couch, wallowing in her misery, etc.". I don't blame her though. I remember what this feeling is like...


I was sitting on the couch with my little brother. We were both playing Mario Cart on our Nintendos. Dad had went to work for a little overtime- like he usually did on Saturdays. Just a couple hours, though.

Mom always went to the store while he was at work, so that she wouldn't have to leave while he was home. They were really in love. She never wanted to leave his company, nor did he want to leave hers.

Anyways, back to me and my brother, Dante. I was 14, he was 11. So, it's been my job recently to watch him. It's super easy, Dante's always been a good kid. Watching him meant making us lunch and playing games with it.

It had been about 3 hours since mom had left. I was starting to worry because she was usually home within one. I didn't want to worry Dante, though. He was only eleven. Besides, she probably hit some traffic or ran into a friend at the store.

Two and a half hours passed when a tall man with a name-tag that read "Tim" on it pinned to his black suit. On instinct, I stood in front of Dante and grabbed the candle on the coffee table as a weapon. This dude could be dangerous, amirite?

The man chuckled, "It's alright, Gene. I'm here with your mother."

That's when it dawned on me, he was a social services associate.

"Oh, sorry..." I mumbled, putting the candle in it's place.

"While in the car... your mother got a call that you father had been involved in a tremendos accident. There was a drunk driver who... who drove on the wrong side of the road. She hit your father's car... and he... he..."

"He what?! Is my dad okay?! Please tell me that their both okay!!" I panicked, trying (and failing) not to cry.

"He... he has passed." The man looked at the ground. "As for your mother, she heard the call and swerved off the road. She's bruised, but alive and well. We're here because we want to make sure that you guys get situated and land on your feet."

Dante whispered in my ear, "What's happening?"

"D-Dad... d-dad d-d-died..."

Flashback Ends

I shake my head, I don't need to start that depression again when Y/N really needs me. I walk over to the couch and sit next to her.

"Hey, hun." I kiss her head, "How you holding up?"

She mumbles something inaudible.

"Huh? I can't here you?"

She shakes her head and turns away from me.

"Hey, I'm here for you... Please, of all times, don't turn me away now."

Tears well up in her eyes and she turns and cries into my chest. I stroke her hair and whisper, "We'll get through this.."

I actually cried writing this.. IM SENSITIVE OKAYYYY?! It was the "Of all times, don't turn me away now" line that made me cryyy

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now