She's... What?

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This is legit my theme song

I hug my knees and let the waves crash against me. It was probably 9-..ish in the afternoon. It was like, 62° and I was wet. So as you can imagine: I'm cold.

I feel someone pick me up. Their scent is familiar. The fact that I'm smelling someone is kinda weird- but whatever. I don't bother to open my eyes and see who it is. At this point I don't really care.

I bask in the warmth of the stranger. They wrap a jacket around me. I hug the jacket and suck up the warmth. I'm pretty sure it's a man because he smells like cologne..

I think I'm dropped on a couch? Maybe a bed? I slightly open my eyes and see Gene. I sigh with relief, glad it's not some pervert.

He sits next to me. I hug his jacket and smell it. Again- it may sound weird but it's oddly soothing. He rubs my back and throws a blanket over me. I lay my head on his shoulder and falls asleep.

Gene's POV

I sigh, honestly concerned for Y/N's health. I hug her tighter as she sleeps. After our fight, she ran off and I spent 2 hours looking for her.

She was on the beach. She looked like she was going to freeze to death. So, I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders. I'm surprised that she didn't slap me when I picked her up.

I kiss her head. She's still cold.. I sigh and zip up the jacket. Mr and Mrs Lycam are probably worried, but that's the least of my worries. I have to make sure she didn't get sick or something.

Y/N wakes up. I immediately ask her, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm... f-f-fine..." She shivers.

I cuddle her, "Are you still cold?"

She nods her head slowly, "Very.. c-cold.."

Her eyes slowly close, but I snap my fingers. "I need you to stay awake for now.."

"B-But... I-I..."

"Shh... just stay awake. Okay?" I plead.

She nods slowly again and I check her pulse. "Weak.. hm.."


I sit here on the couch, shivering. My head is all fogged up and I am really tired.. I need sleep..

Sleep... I think, yawning and drifting to sleep.

"C'mon! Stay awake Y/N!" Gene snaps again.

I open my eyes again and mutter, "Sorry.."

I look up at Gene, he's on the phone. "Yes, Mrs. Lycan, she is drowsy. Mhm, and cold. Really?! Okay, okay. Will do. Thank you Mrs. Lycan. I will. Byeeee..."

I tilt my head and yawn, "What is it?"

"Mrs. Lycan thinks you have hypothermia... So I've gotta do some stuff to help.. Please, just comply..." He sighs.

I nod as he paces the floor.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now