New Years "Festivities"

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*insert lenny face here*

*Happy New Year!!*


-Don't like it, don't read it.-

~And Heads Up, It's Terrible~

Gene blows a party-noise-maker-thingy in my face. "HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE!!"

I push it out of my face. "Mhm."

"Really? 'Mhm.' Is that all you've got?" He mocks me.

I roll my eyes. "Yes."

"C'mon! What do you have against New Years?!" He asks.

"I absolutely hate all the drinking, blaring music, and the party-blower-thingys." I shrug.

He sighs. "It's not bad."

"Hmph, sure it's not. Prove it!" I challenge, poking my finger at his chest.

He hastily grabs it and kisses the back of my palm. "Challenge accepted."

My cheeks turn a bit red as I furrow my eyebrows. "What have I gotten myself into...."

He holds back in a laugh and mutters. "I think it'll be great."

I sigh. "So, when does this thingy start?"

He checks his watch. "Er... we kinda need to leave now."

He grabs my hand and we run out the door. We hop into the car.

"I take it back! I don't wanna go!" I groan.

He pulls the keys out of the car. "Are you sure?"

"YES, ABSOLUTELY." I sigh with relief and run out of the car.

Gene's POV

I watch Y/N as she scurries inside and out of the cold. Don't judge me! She is just so..-

"GENE! COME INSIDE!" She yells.

I shut the door and run inside. I shiver and take my coat. "Y/N, I wanna talk to you."


I raise an eyebrow. "Uh, okay..."

We walk over to the couch and take a seat. "Okay, Y/N..."


"I-I know it makes you uncomfortable.. and I don't want that for you by any means. But, it's gunna be a New Year.." He begins.

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that we've been married for a few months and we still haven't... you know.." He sighs.

My face turns bright red and my eyes widen, realizing what he's talking about. "E-EH?!"

"It's okay if you still don't want to, but I wanted to say that you don't have to scared if you do..."

I struggle to keep my breath under control. "G-Gene, I-"

"You'll probably even like it! It's actually pretty awesome. Especially when-" He coughs, stopping mid-sentence.

I close my eyes and squeeze them tight. I sigh. "G-Gene... it's okay... I d-do wanna.. er.."

His face lights up. "YES! I mean-"

I giggle a little bit.

"I'm guessing you're still, ya know..."

I nod and bite my lip.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now