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I feel like doing poems again, so yeah! POEMS!


I dream of the stars,
I dream of the skies,
I dream of flying with the fireflies.

I dream of the moon,
I dream of the park,
I dream of dancing with you in the dark.

I dream of the world,
I dream of it's lies,
I dream of the opportunities it supplies.

I dream of the fire,
The passion and such.
But deep down I know, dreams don't matter that much.


The Best Friend

He smiled at me as I walked in the room.
He smiled at me while I was consumed by the gloom.

He laughed with me when I fell down the stairs.
He laughed at everything; cuz nobody cares.

He cried when I cried cuz the sun wouldn't shine.
He cried with me without out reason or rhyme.

He ran when he left away from this town.
He ran just when my world was turning upside-down.

I know it's not his fault; I shouldn't hold grudges.
I tried to erase the pen; it caused smudges.

You can't get rid of several years of memories.
But, best friend, I cherish the ones where you stood by me.

I cried.

The Monster

It's crawling.
It's creeping.
It's tracking me down.

It's chasing me;
Stalking me.
I turned the mirrors around.

I know I can't run.
Oh, I know I can't hide.
The least I can do is just... stay inside.

*cough* ELEVEN *cough*

Fake Friend

I said hi, she said by.
I kept her secrets, she just told mine.

I told her to stay, she just walked away.
I put up with it every single, single day.


Thats all my poems! Comment you're favorite?

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now