Armies and Arm-Bleeds

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Haha my title is genius.

Guys the Brent and Carter book is out "Forever, Never  Lonely" is the title and WOO-HOO. Please support me :3


They surround us from every fudging corner. Now, I realize why Gene begged me not to fight. Hah, I can't believe he even tried to convince me. This baby mama loves her guns.

(That line was like a mix of "girl power, YASS BISH" and "bish, wtf?" So im sorry)

Werewolves are sprinting in from every edge of the forest. I load the gun and cock it. Now, I'm not a war genius, but I know the objective is to dominate the other side so... I shoot! BAM! Right in the leg of the one with grey legs. He falls, duh. I guess this'll be easier than I anticipated.

That is, until someone grabs me from behind and hoists me up off of the ground. I thrash around and try to smack them with the gun, but they're at an angle where it's almost impossible.

"GET OFF OF ME, YA SKANK!" I shout, kicking around even more.

Carter runs over, her back turned to the chaos to help me. She uses her sword to carefully swing at my captor. Behind her, another werewolf tries to swing at her.

"CARTER!" I yell. I try to shoot the wolf, but I raises my gun so quickly that it flings into the air.

The guy is about to slice her arm when a brown-haired boy (guess who? Hehe) with maroon armor and black meifwa ears pushes him away and shoots him in both arms.

Carter helps me get free and so does the meifwa. I turn to Carter, "Who's he? He kinda just, um, saved you."

"Oh!" She hugs him. "This is Alec! Alec, uhm, thanks!"

"Uhm, yeah. Anytime. Let's not get too hung up on it right now..." He says, shooting another person.

"Yeah, of course!" We both say as we separate. I make sure to grab my gun.

Everywhere, I see fighting. There's a lot of violence and blood. But, that doesn't phase me. I'm really searching for Gene- just to make sure that he's fine..

I catch a glimpse of him across the yard. I run over, shooting people in the process, dodging bullets and knives (and feisty werewolves).

I stand beside him and shoot the wolf he was fighting. He kisses my head and throws a knife at someone who was apparently coming for us.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" He asks me, nervously.

I shake my head. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

I scan him for injuries and see a deep gash on his leg and arm. "GENE!"

I hug him tightly. He sighs, "I'm fine. We'll deal with it later. But for now-"

His eyes widen as someone approaching us. I turn around and see... (dun dun dun, PREDICTABLE OUTCOMES!) Ein. I raises my gun but he shakes head.

"No need for violence." He says.


He shrugs. "Thats the only way for me to get the message across."

"WHAT MESSAGE?!" I yell.

He stays completely calm. "I want you to stop messing with me."

He points to Gene, who smacks his hand. "I will mess with anyone who hurts my family."

"She wasn't even part of your family!" He says, growing more frustrated.

"Her family is my family. Zianna didn't deserve to die." He exclaims. The word 'die' pounds into me like a hammer.

I tune out what they're saying. It was Ein who killed my mother. It was Ein who ruined my mother's chance at growing old. If she were here right now, she'd be so happy. She'd be calling me every second checking up on the baby. She'd my fawning over Melody....

I raise my gun and shoot in Ein's general direction. I don't know if I'm even close to hitting him, because my vision is obscured my tears. I fall down to my knees.


I hear Gene panicking as he sits next to me. I just sit my gun down, I'm done with all of the drama. I also hear Ein's laugh.

I guess I missed, I think.

I see him grab the gun. I hear the gun-shot. I even see the bullet hurdle towards me in slow-motion. I just... let it happen. I have no energy. I feel an excruciating pain in my forearm. I hear Ein's voice telling everyone to retreat...

I fall over sideways on the grass. I heat screaming. Oh, wait, that's mine. I'm honestly too tired to help myself. I hear footsteps rush through the grass and towards me.

I hear Gene's voice, and I feel him rubbing my back. "Y/N! Y/N!"

I'm lifted off of the ground. I hear panics and sobs, but they all get quieter. Finally, I see black. And I hear the man that I love tell me that everything is gunna be okay.

So, yeah. That happened... ugh. I'm so stressed, I have a school dance on Friday ;-;

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now