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I feel the anxiety kicking in and the nausea is overwhelming. It may just be the fact that I'm extremely tired- or it's because this is so surreal.

Terri clamps his hand over my mouth, receiving a slap from Gene. "HEY! PAWS OFF!"

Terri chuckles and moves his hand, "Sorry, sorry. It's just- you shouldn't be yelling."


I suddenly feel an overwhelming urge of vulnerability. Don't get me wrong, I'm fuming at Terri's pervertedness- but I'd honestly rather be at home than yelling at him, so thats what I was working towards. Besides, I felt kinda sick anyways.

I look up at Gene with intentions of asking him to go home, but he's not even looking this direction. I'm just clutching his arm, and I guess thats the only reassurance he needs to know that I'm fine.

I sigh, give up, and yawn. I'm still feeling pretty.. anxious or something. I lay my head on Gene's shoulder, ignoring Terri's ramble of endless flirting. Gene is staring tensely at the ocean. I don't blame him, the way the moon reflects on the beautiful water is mesmerizing.

I close my eyes tightly. Next thing I know, Gene is holding me in his arms. This is probably the only time I won't protest the fact that he's carrying me when my legs work just fine.

"We'll probably see you later, Terri." Gene says bitterly, "Preferably not, but it happens quite often."

With that, he stalks off. I sway as he walks, making me feel even queasier....

"G-Gene..." I muster up.

He looks at me, "Hm?"

"I... uh- nothing."

"You don't look well..." He says. "WELL I MEAN YOU LOOK SICK, YOU LOOKS BEAUTIFUL AND ALL BUT.."

"I'm f-fine.." I say through the nausea.

He runs his hands through my hair and gingerly puts me on the sidewalk. He puts his arm under me and I let him support the majority of my weight. My thoughts are foggy. I feel really dizzy and the world is spinning around me.

The paleness in my face must be evident because Gene stops walking and looks at me.

"You look... really bad.." He sighs and pulls out his phone. "Mrs. Lycan? I'm sorry, did I wake you? No? Oh, okay. Mind if Y/N and I stop by your house? It's really fine if it's not okay. Yeah... She's looking pale.. I don't know what to do. I don't think she's just cold, she has two jackets on... Yes, she did. Okay, thank you so much."

He hangs up. I furrow my eyebrows, "G-Gene... I'm f-fine.."

"No, your not. Come on, we're like 20 feet away.. Please let mw carry you.." Gene frowns. I sigh and nod, I hate being babied.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now