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I love this song so much its unreal

It's been a few weeks since the incident. I'm still a bit shaken up from the sudden urge to shoot Zenix, but I'm trying not to show it...

"Hey, Y/N. A good childhood friend of mine is coming over today." Gene informs.

I nod and ask, "Huh? Okay. What's his name?"

"Her. And her name is Madison.. Please be nice." He tells me.

I grunt, "She sounds like a sl*t."

"Jealous much?" He smirks.

"In your dreams." I cross my arms.

He chuckles and wraps his arm around me, "Don't worry baby, I'm yours."

"Pfft." I push his arm away, "Tapping into your high school ego, eh?"

"My highschool ego is just a current me with more flirtiness." He crosses his arms.

"Thats not a word, and thats not true. You've changed." I point out.

He frowns, "Is that bad?"

I shake my head, "You took it the wrong way. Everyone changes. I'm sure I have."

"Nope," He smirks. "You're still the hot, stubborn freshman I won over with my charms."

"OH BOY PLEASE!" I sass.

The doorbell rings.

Genes eyes widen, "OH! Thats probably her! Do I look okay?"

"So what if you don't? It shouldn't matter, right?" I raise my eyebrows.

"So I look like trash?"

"Like always." I tease.

He rolls his eyes and opens the door. "Madison!"

"Gene!" A feminine voice squeals.

I catch a glance of Madison. She has long auburn hair with black tips. Her eyes are emerald green and she's really tan. She has on a crop-top and ripped jeans with sequins on her back pockets.

I look down at myself. At least I don't look like a slob. I have a white t-shirt and a navy blue mini-skirt on and my hair in braided back.

She walks in laughing and I realize I was totally zoning out their conversation. She stands by Gene's side in front of me. I smile up at her.

Be kind Y/N.

"Hi, you must be Y/N!" She smiles.

"Mhm, thats me." I half-smile.

"Yeah! So, Y/N, this is Madison and Madison, this is Y/N." Gene claps.

"How long have you two known each other?" I ask.

"Since we were 5!" She laughs. "We were drawing on walls and mouthing off to preschool teachers."

"How come you never mentioned her in high school?" I tilt my head, genuinely confused.

"I moved in the summer between 8th and 9th grade. The school kicked me out of the district, it was pretty bad." She chuckles.

"Hm? Were you a shadow knight too?"

"Of course! Oh my Irene, Gene has talked to me so much about you!"

I smile, "Hah, I'm glad. So, where are you staying?"

"Gene didn't tell you? He's letting me stay here."

Gene smiles awkwardly at me.


The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now