The Grand Duel (Pt. 2)

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Madison's POV

It was... three boys, Y/N, Terri, and.. the Lycans?! I panic. They're gunna get hurt here! I glance around, no one is really acknowledging their existence. I groan.


"SHE WANTED TO COME!!" He retorts.

I grunt and narrowly dodge an attack from Zenix. Y/N jumps a bit, the three boys get in battle stances with basic weapons like baseball bats and butter knives. The Lycans head straight into combat with Ein.

Terri rolls his eyes at me and flings Sasha to the wall with his ~powers~, "Maybe you should pay attention."

"MAYBE YOU SHOULD SHUT UP AND- WATCH YOU BACK!!" I yell and unhand a random person who presumably came here with Garte.

I watch as the fights carry on around me. Y/N is trying to help Gene by using her "ninja moves" on Garte- it isn't working very well.

"LETS MOVE OUT!!" I command. Hastily, Terri hops out the window and so do to the Lycans. I drag Gene and Y/N and the three boys follow me.

He glares at me, "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"IT WAS WAY TO CRAMPED IN THERE. STRATEGIZE LOVER BOY!" I kick him in the shin and use my magiks to barricade the windows and doors. "LETS EXIT THE PREMISES SO WE CAN FIGHT ON BETTER TURF."

I practically drag Gene away with the help of Y/N- but luckily everyone else follows without arguing.


"GENE!! WALK!!" Madison yells.

My throat is really dry. I stop on the side of the dirt trail in the woods on which we were running and barf into the grass. Gene snaps back into his normal self and rushes to my side.

Madison groans, "THATS ALL IT TOOK?!"

I involuntarily curl up into a ball in the grass. The pain is just so real that I couldn't help it. Gene runs his fingers through my hair.

"Cmon guys, we can stop in a few miles. We are far enough to take a break yet." Madison sighs. I throw up again.

"Mads, I don't think Y/N can carry on anymore." Terri points out.

She thinks for a second or two. "Hm.. Gene, can you carry her for a bit?"

"Yeah... but she-"


Gene's eyes widen. "Yes ma'am."

I throw up again and start dry heaving. I want to say, Can we please just get to some water source or something? But I don't have enough stamina.

He picks me up like a 3 year old and I wrap my legs around his waist. I lay my head on his shoulder too. Despite not being able to sleep all day, I feel myself getting really tired... I drift off into sleep.

Madison's POV

I use my magiks to help Y/N sleep. She needs to rest up. We all truck head- only we go a bit slower because Gene has Y/N and everyone's exhausted.

Eventually, we reach the point where I had envisioned us setting up a small camp.

"Here we are everyone. Pop a squat or something. Mrs. Lycan, will you help me set up a small barrier?"

"Of course." She nods.

3rd Person Omniscient

Mrs. Lycan and Madison team up to create a barrier. Madison uses her magiks to make a blue dome around their small camp and Mrs. Lycan keeps watch.

Garroth, Zane, and Vylad (aka the "three boys" from before) carefully watch the barrier. Vylad watches his twin sister out of the corner of his eye with concern. Zane is doing the same, but you see- he won't admit to it. Garroth is flat out pacing in worry.

Terri sits talking with Aaron, Derik, Melissa, and Rachel (the Lycans) about strategy, even though they knew very well that they wouldn't have much of a say in what goes on. Madison was their commander and leader.

Gene sits on the damp, green grass with his wife's head resting in his lap. Y/N feels horrible- and not just because she was sick. She feels as of she's holding anyone back. And just before she's about to apologize: she throws up.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now