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Nope. Not a chapter.

 Not a chapter

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Okay then... so lets see...

1- I think... its complicated

2- Idek

3- Smorgablirgan (jk)

4- single bishes

5- my ma

6- N.M.E by Set it Off

7- 12% lol

8- Idrk... I dont think I have one..

9- MY MAIN BOI CAM (he doesnt have Wattpad either ;-;)

10- OOF UM, I HAVE A LOT... PROBABLY.... GARRENCE OR GATNISS (hunger games :p) or Jacob and Bella from Twilight (dont judge me, I ship everything..)

11- bc I had friends on here lol (cough- LYN -cough)

12- lock screen? Okie..

12- lock screen? Okie

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oof im cringy

13- November 16th

And yeah... I'm sorry people ;-;


Thats legit everyone ik so... I mean- I don't know who Derpie or Winter are put um-

yeah... I didnt wanna post anything because~GUESS WHAT~ another crappy thing happened and I dont wanna talk about it but yeah... *DEEP SIGH*

I've also had a lot of people shipping me with people on here... and um.. its disturbing. LIKE, SO DISTURBING THAT I DELETE THE COMMENTS XD

Anyways, baiii

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now