What Happened?!

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"GARROTH!!" I yell and hug my blond haired brother. Gene stands behind us chuckling.

"It's only been three weeks." He crosses his arms.

I laugh and hug Garroth tighter, "But he's my brother!!"

"So? I haven't seen my brother in three weeks either."

"You're just jealous that I'm hugging him and not you~" I giggle.


"Hah, not maybe. Definitely- H-HEY!!"

Gene picks me up around the waist and slings me over his shoulder. I flail around.

"PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell through the laughter.

"Ima go back to the house, I'll see you guys later." Garroth chuckles and walks out.


He tickles me, "Good!"

"NOOOOOO!!!" I burst into laughter.

He laughs and puts me on the couch. Madison runs downstairs.

"I HEARS YELLING! WHAT HAPPENED?!" She yells, concerned.

She has on a pair of fluffy pajama pants and a tank-top with her hair up in a messy bun and bunny slippers on. I look down at myself in my black jean shorts and a blue blouse.

"We were just messing around, Madison." Gene smiles.

"Oh, okay.." She mutters and walks back upstairs.

I grab the 5th Harry Potter book (Order of the Phoenix) and lay my head on Gene's lap to start reading. He plays with my hair a bit and scrolls through his phone.


"M-Mom! The kids are... s-so mean..." I cried.

It was the year before I transferred to Phoenix Drop high. Some girls and boys had been pushing me around at school. The excessive bullying was one of the main reasons I switched schools.

"Shh.. it's okay, honey." Mom cooed. I was laying with head on the kitchen table. Mom was next to me braiding my hair. "It'll all get better."

Flashback Ends

I find myself yawning. I had absentmindedly read a few pages.

"You tired?" Gene asks.

I nod, "A little bit."

"How about we get you some food first? Then to bed?" He asks sweetly.

I nod and peck his lips. "Food sounds good."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now