1.5K 37 31

Happy 1K views ya'll! For this awesome celebration, I'll list 10 thinks about me like I did with the prequel to this book when it hit 1k!

1- I suffer from depression :3
2- I've thrown up on a teacher
3- I'm a night owl and a morning person
4- I have 20/30 vision
5- I currently don't have a favorite song
6- I hate chicken alfredo
7- I'm obsessed with Sims Freeplay bc I'm too poor to buy Sims 4 or 3
8- I'm always cold
9- I love stranger things
10- I'm musical trash

Guys, I just wanna say thanks to you guys! (That sentence sounds weird.) Anyways, I don't know why this semi-series is so popular. It isn't really that good because, yours truly can't write for crap.


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