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It's a really impromptu wedding. Sorta spontaneous, I guess? Not really fancy or anything. We set up some foldable chairs in the garden at the park. No RSVP, nothing required really.

I smile as walk down the 'isle' between the two groups of metal chairs. Zane is playing a recording of 'Here Comes the Bride.' I low-key think that the priest wishes she was somewhere else, but I shrug it off.

As I walk by myself, I hear Garroth yelling, "HERE COMES THE BRIDE, HERE COMES THE BRIDE!"

I laugh as I reach the podium up front where the priest stands. "We are gathered here today to conjoin the families, two hearts, and well- the cash with my pocket."

I glance at Gene, he's glaring at the priest. He's probably thinking something along the lines of, 'Screw up this wedding, I'll screw you up.' But then again, who can be sure when it comes to Gene?

"I honestly have better places to be today, so lets move on. Gene *insert Gene's last name*, do you take Y/N Ro'Meave to be your lawfully wedded wife. Do you promise to care for her, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." He smiles. I feel my insides flutter. So.. he really does love me? Not that I've ever doubted it, it'd just that it's nice to know.

"And Y/N Ro'Meave, do you take Gene *last name here* to be your lawfully wedded husband. Do you promise to care for him, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." I smile.

"THEN BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME, I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHICKEN AND PORCUPINE-" He coughs. "I mean Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride. Huehuehue."

Gene pecks me on the lips. I laugh and so do our families. We're officially married. We're officially married. I want to scream. WE'RE OFFICIALLY MARRIED!

I don't know if what I'm about to do is rude or disrespectful, but I feel powerful so I'll do it anyway. This priest has been way out of line.

"NOW," I turn to the priest. "YOU IMPATIENT SON OF A- CHICKEN SHAMAN?!"

The 'priest' takes off his mask. It was Caster- the chicken shaman. I facepalm. Really?! JUST... REALLY?!

"I knew you weren't a real priest!" I sigh loudly.

"Oh, I'm ordained." He gazes around, his mind in another place. "I'm just not good at it."

I sigh again. Gene smiles and kisses my cheek. "

TO THE WAIFU!" He yells.

"WAIFU!" Everyone chuckles. I laugh. I love Gene..

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now