Double the Excitement

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What's your favorite song? :3 Mine is currently LA Devotee by P!ATD or Good For You from DEH.

My eyes flutter open to reveal a bright room that could only resemble one place: the hospital. I groan and try to rub my eyes, but a cord yanks my arm backwards.

"Stupid IV..." I mutter.

I hear a gasp beside me and notice there's another person in here. I turn my head and see Gene. He looks tired, but relieved.

"You're awake!" He smiles.

"What even-" I start to question why I'm here when I feel sharp pain in my abdomen, shoulder, and thigh. I grit my teeth.

Gene sighs. "Ein shot you in the shoulder... he was attacked by pretty much all of our scouts, so he called everyone else off. But, someone of his soldiers got some shots in on you.."

I gasp and put a hand over my stomach. "Is the baby okay?!"

Gene laughs. "They're fine."

"That's good... wait, THEY?!" My eyes widen.

His face is pure joy. "They performed an ultra sound and saw.. twins!"

"OH MY... OH... OH... OH MY IRENE!" I shriek.

This was unexpected.

He hugs me gently. "You'll be in here for a few days, but that's okay! Because I took some days off and I'll be here with you the whole time. And, after we're done here, we get to find out the genders..."

I smile widely. "I love you, so, so, so much. And.. does Melody know?"

He shakes his head. "No. I refuse to tell her until we know if they're boys, or girls, or both, or boys."

I laugh. "Already got your hopes up?"

"Of course! But, I'll love them either way." Gene chuckles.

I yawn and relax a little bit. He turns to me with a worried look on his face. "Do you need the nurse?"

I shake my head. "Nah, I'm just gunna sleep..."

•~•~Time skip a few days brought to you by the "Rocky Horror" episode of Glee~•~•~•~•

Gene and I sit in a pretty doctor's office room-thingy. I'm antsy, to be honest. The doctor already did the ultrasound, but Gene wanted a great reveal so... he suggested we wait a few minutes.

The doctor walks back in. "Mr. and Mrs. Shadow.."

I perk up. "Yes?"

She smiles. "The genders are... one boy and one girl!"

I scream a little bit and hug Gene. He screams a bit, too. "A BOY! YASS!"

I giggle.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now