Bridge of Insanity

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I just wrote like 5 poems
Very depressing
Comment if you wanna hear one xD

"Gene, please don't go..." I plead.

"I can't back out now..." He mutters.

I frown, "Can I at least come?"

"I don't know if thats the best idea..." He answers.

"I don't wanna be here alone!" I cry.

"Fine... Fine! But you have to listen to what I tell you." He agreed and I nod.


I sling a backpack with water and some medical equipment in it over my shoulder. I put on a pair of jean shorts and a Harry Potter shirt.

"Hurry up, Y/N." Gene sighs from downstairs.

I tie my shoes and run downstairs, "Here."

"Okay, lets walk."


The surroundings are Erie. We've been walking through a forest right at sunset. Gene said that the place that the battle is taking place is flat with a few trees. I glance around, we obviously aren't close.


"Garroth! Are we close yet?" I asked him in the dark woods. We couldn't see five feet ahead of us.

"I think so..."

Vylad, Zane, Garroth, and I had came home from school one day. Mom was still at work. Garroth was 8, Zane was 6, and Vylad and I were 4- almost five.

We had seen Garte in the living room shooting the ceiling with his rifle. We were to young to fight, so Garroth ushered us out of the house without dad seeing us. We ran directly into the forest and stayed there.

About 3 hours later, we needed to get home. It was 9 pm. It was cold, dark, and scary. We were all still really young, so we were tired.

I remember it took us about a half an hour to get out of the forest. We saw our house lights on and police cars parked outside.

They were looking for us.

-Flashback Ends-

"Y/N, we're here." Gene whispers to me.

I jerk my head upwards towards him and kiss his cheek. "S-Stay safe.."

Gene slowly walks out into flat terrain. He had left his jacket with me, and I wrap it around myself. It was really cold. I stand on the very edge of the circle of dirt and dust- it was like that stuff you'd see on a baseball field if you played little league or something.


"And... out of the park! HOMERUN!!" The announcer called.

The bleachers were cold against my bear skin. It was 47° and rainy that day, but Garroth had baseball anyways. I saw him darting around the field.

He was 13, his last year of little league. A twelve year old Zane sat next to me with his headphones in. Vylad was talking to the lady below us telling her about how he was finally 9. At that point in time, I was definitely the one with the best behavior skills.

The game ended and I ran out onto the field to hug Garroth and his best friend. They both laughed, they were fairly cool towards me even though I was Garroth's dorky little sister.

-Flashback End-

I come back into reality only to see Zenix and Gene swinging their swords at each other.

Wait, I thought they wanted to become friends again... eh.

I observe as Zenix shoves his sword into Gene's shoulder. I scream loudly as Gene falls backwards.

"STOP!! STOP!!" I run out towards them.

I search around the pockets of the Gene's coat and grab a gun.


My hands were shaking as I rested my hands on the trigger.


-Flashback Ends-


Zenix chuckles. "Pathetic."

I rest my fingers on the trigger and hold the gun firmly.


"You wouldn't fire it." He smirks.

"T-TRY ME!!" I yell.

He points the sword at Gene. "If you insist."

"S-STOP!!" I scream and point the gun at my head instead.

"You... you... Don't. It's fine..." He drops the sword and backs away a bit. I lower the gun and point it at his shins. I am tempted to fire.

"L-LEAVE... I WILL FIRE." I say with a shaky voice.

He nods and runs off into the woods. I put the gun in the coat pocket and kneel down beside Gene.

"G-GENE! C-COME ON! T-TALK T-TO ME!!" I shout and shake him.

His eyes flutter open. "OH THANK I-IRENE!"

I pull out the bandages and wrap up his bloody shoulder.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now