Ein's Warning

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Im watching Hunger Games... yayyyyy!

I lay on the couch, cuddled up with Gene. He surfs the channels for something kid appropriate, as there's a third factor to our equation- Melody. She's sitting on the floor in front of us.

"HONEY! GAME OF THRONES IS ON!!" He smiles widely.

"Eh?" Melody cocks her head to the side.

I gasp, "NO!"

"Why not?" He frowns.

"DEATH, SEX, WAR, YOU NAME IT, IT'S ON THAT SHOW!" I scoff and tale the remote from him and finally find a Disney Pixar movie, Cars 3.

Melody falls asleep on the floor, not even half way through the movie so we take her up to bed and walk back downstairs.

"Now, we can watch Game of Thrones if you wanna." I shrug.

"Nah, I actually really like this movie." He smiles and hugs me tighter.

I feel myself drifting into sleep, so I lay my head on his shoulder. Everything goes quiet and all I can feel his warm arm around me.





"Y/N! Y/N!" I hear Gene's voice whisper-shouting me out of my slumber.

My eyes slowly come open. I see the lights flickering and hear footsteps approaching the house. Melody clings to my arm.

"What the hell is going on?!" I shout.

Gene puts his hand over my mouth. "Stay quiet."

The door bursts open and multiple men march in. Melody lets out a scream.

"STAND UP OR BE SHOT!" They growl.

Gene yanks us both off of our feet. I'm breathing heavily. I pick Melody up off of the floor. "DON'T TOUCH HER!"

They aim their weapons towards us. "We'll do more than hurt her. But don't worry, you won't be in emotional pain."

Another man marches in. "WEAPONS DOWN."

"But, sir-"

"WEAPONS... DOWN." A blue haired werewolf comes into perspective.

Gene stands in front of us. "EIN?!"

"No need to stand in front of the women, Gene. We aren't doing any harm as of now." He smirks.

Gene cautiously steps back. Ein continues. "We just wanted to inform you that if your so  "retaliation" tries to ambush us again there will be more severe consequences."

Ein walks up to me and lifts my chin with his finger. "Any we wouldn't want that, would we?"

I growl and he smirks. "That's what I thought."

His blue eyes pierce into Gene's. "I'd suggest you pick up the phone and call the blonde one, now."

He ruffles Melody's hair. "Or I'll be seeing this one again..."

"And get even more familiar with this one." He smirks maliciously, poking a finger at my chest.

"Don't touch them." Gene glares.

He laughs, "You heard my conditions, Gene."

Ein snaps his fingers and finishes his ramble. "I should be seeing you dollies soon."

He and his men exit the house.

This is shorter than normal, but I felt obligated to get it for you because I've posted nothing in the past 7 snow days.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now