Under the Weather

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I wake up the next morning, already knowing whats to come. I sigh and hop out of bed and check on Melody in her room.

Sound asleep.

I walk to the kitchen and make two cups of coffee and grab the pain killers. I carry it all into the bedroom, only to see what I expected.

Gene sits up and groans. "Urrghhh.."


He nods slightly and I hand him the pain killers and some coffee then I kiss his forehead.

He smiles a bit and I walk out of the room and into Melody. She's sitting there reading Charlotte's Web.

I sit in the chair next to her bed. "Good morning."

She smiles and closes her book, "Hi mommy. Where's daddy?"

"He doesn't feel well." I say. I'm not technically lying, he doesn't feel well. But I'm not telling the whole truth.

"Oh. Hey mommy?"

"Yeah?" I smile.

"I don't feel good either."

I place my wrist on her forehead.

Tip: Whenever checking someones temperature, use your wrist bc your hand admits heat and stuff more than your wrist, so it effects the temperature you feel :D

"You're a little hot. What doesn't feel good?"

"Stuffy nose, headache, sore throat." She sniffs. "Just a bit below the weather."

I smile. "Under the weather? Yeah. It happens. I'll get you some tea and some tissues."

I walk out of the room and return with her tea and tissues. "Here ya go sweetheart."

She sips the tea and blows her nose. "Thanks mommy."

I smile. "No problem, I hope you feel better."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now