The "Homophobic" Gay Man's Warning

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We pull into our driveway after a 15 minute ride that contained so much laughter that I actually forgot about my current state.

Gene parks the car and rushes out to open up my door. Before my feet can reach the concrete, though, I'm Gene's arm as he runs me inside.

I giggle, "GENE!"

He sits me down onto the couch gently and sits next to me. "Whoo, it's so cold."

He lays his head on my lap and my face turns red. "U-Uhm, whatdya wanna watch?"

He shrugs, "I dunno."

"I love that movie." I snicker.

"Oh, really? I've never seen it. What's the plot?" He smirks, providing a comeback for my sarcasm (as always).

"It's... um, about- er... a girl who has two children and.. her husband is a homophobic, gay man?" I figure.

He bursts out in laughter, "Homophobic and gay? Is that even possible?"

"...Yeah! He hates gay people but is one. Very hypocritical and in denial."

"Sounds like Zenix." Gene laughs.

"Oh my Irene, Gene." I chuckle and face palm.

The doorbell rings and we both spring up to answer it. We race to it, and sadly- Gene wins. He opens the door.

"Hello?" He asks at the sight of 4 people shoving to be first in front of the door.

I laugh, "Guys!"

Madison, Sasha, Terri, and Zenix as freeze and turn to look at me. "Y/N!"

"C'mon in; you must be freezing!" I wave them in.

They all rush through the door.

"Merry Christmas!" Sasha smiles, hugging me. Her purple coat is really fuzzy and she has ear-muffs on. "How are you?"

"I'm... okay, as of now." I smile.

Zenix throws himself into the group hug. "Merry Christmas!"

I laugh and push them away. "Merry Christmas!"

Gene stands in the corner, whispering to Terri and Madison.

"Uhm... make yourself at home, guys. I'll be right back." I excuse myself from the conversation and walk over to Gene.

"We've almost got him, so in a way we're safer than ever but in more danger." Terri informs him, ignoring my presence.

Madison rolls her eyes, "What about the whole fiasco with Zianna? You know, code 43."

"As if Ein would even keep his word." Gene crosses his arms.

"Huh?" I interrupt, "What's going on?"

Madison turns to me. "We've almost caught Ein. Good news is- he's in this area. Bad news is- he's in this area. We don't know who he's going after next. But we have a guess..."

My eyes widen, "We need to go pick up Melody."

"What? Who's Melody?" Terri asks.

"GENE! WE NEED TO GO PICK HER UP!! NOW!!" I shout, put my shoes on and grabbing my coat.

Gene puts his hands on my shoulders, "No. Y/N, she's safer being there for tonight."


"He won't even know she's there."


Sasha and Zenix run over. "You need to get Melody. Come on, Y/N, let's go."

"WHAT?! NO! Y/N IS STAYING HERE!" Gene argues.

"We just got wind of Ein's location, he's close. If you guys go, he'll freak out. Zenix and I can do this fine, with her help anyways." Sasha says, trying to keep her calm.

I run out the door and into their car, "C'MON!"

We speed down the road to Cheyanne's house.

Melody's POV

I watch the snow out the window and see a person. He's walking towards Granny Cheyanne's house...

"Grandma, come here!" I shout, wanting her to see this sight.

She runs towards me. "What is it, hun?"

"There's a strange man walking her. Is it one of Jordan's friends?" I ask, tilting my head.

Her eyes widen. "JORDAN! DANTE!"

The boys run over. They talk to Grandma in fast voices. Uncle Dante picks me up, "Melody, stay calm. We're going upstairs. Okay?"



We run into Cheyanne's house. "Cheyanne! Where's Melody?!"

"She's upstairs with Dante."

I panic, "NONO!"

I run upstairs and search for her. "Melody?!"

"Mommy!" Melody runs out of a bedroom.

"No!" Dante freaks out as he runs out after her.

I hug her and glare at Dante. "It's me."

"Oh..." He sighs.

"And I'm taking her home... stay safe, lil' bro." I nod and carry Melody downstairs.

"Cheyanne! Stay safe..." I sigh as I make a mad-dash to the car with Melody.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now