A Monster of An Accident

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I sit at Katelyn's kitchen table, falling asleep.

"Cmon Y/N! Wake up!" She yells.

I bolt upwards. "Sorry! But can we get this over with?"

"We're planning your wedding." Katelyn rolls her eyes.

"Can't we just sign some papers and get the deed done?" I groan.

"I wish we could. But this has to be special." She says.

Katelyn and I are very similar. She's friends Garroth, so I know her fairly well. And well, ever since Sasha and Zenix turned out... weird, we've been hanging out a bit.

"We're almost done anyways... can't we call it a day?" I whine.

"We're almost done, let's just finish.."

I nod and get back to work.


I walk into the house and slump on the couch. "I really hate you right now Gene."

"Why?" He walks in from the kitchen.

"I hate planning stuff and you won't helpppp..." I groan.

"Well, I was watching our daughter..." He sighs.

Melody walks in crying. I glance up. "Hm? What's matter?"

"There's a monster in my room!" She cries.

I hold back a laugh and walk into her room. I glance around. "No monster in- AH!"

I look out the window and see Vylad. I run over and open it. "Creep!"

"The door was locked."

"Why are you here?!" I laugh.

"Wanted to check on the wedding stats." He shrugs.

"Boring as ever. Now bye!" I jokingly half close the window.

I hear someone yell in pain. I glance down and realize that I accidentally shut the window on Vylad's fingers. I quickly open it.

"OH MY GOSH!" I yell. "I'M SO SORRY!"

He winces. "I'm fine.."

I drag him inside through the window and into the living room.

"Y/N- OH HEY VYLAD." Gene shouts.

Melody comes running in behind Vylad and I, "What's happening?!"

I chuckle, "Uncle Vylad came for a visit and I accidentally smashed his fingers.."

"It's okay.. they're just.." He glances at his fingers. "PURPLE!?"

I run into the kitchen and grab an ice pack and throw it at Vylad, accidentally hitting him in the face. "AGH! VYLAD I'M SO SORRY!"

He groans, "Just a few... injuries..."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now