*Credits and acknowledgement are given at the end of the story description. Thank you."
The Prince- on the outside has everything, known by everyone, leading life predictable as one of the elite- high and mighty prince, but inside, lonely and search...
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"Jia Xue, this is Zhu Li.." Caleb was standing between Jia Xue and Zhu Li, making the introduction.
"Zhu Li," Caleb puts his hand around Jia Xue's shoulders, "This is Yin Jia Zhu..My partner.."
Jia Xue felt his cheek reddening, and saw the woman's eyes went huge with Caleb's words.
Jia Xue bowed a little, then extended his right hand to the woman for a handshake, "Hi, nice to meet you.."
Zhu Li, eyed Jia Xue intently, then took his hand and shook it.
"Hello, nice to meet you too.." She said, trying her might to look cool and sound calm, because she hadn't been cool or calm, since she saw the two men walking into the restaurant together.
And the people in the restaurant took notice of the two men too. Not only because they're good looking but also because they give the aura of being a couple, clearly.
Zhu Li didn't expect Caleb to be this bold or this open with his preference in love. And she actually was shocked, because back in those days, Caleb was never this open with his feelings. Zhu Li didn't even remember Caleb ever held her like he's holding Jia Xue now. It would always, her, who would link her arms around his.
"Please sit down.." Zhu Li forced herself to smile as she gestured for them to take a seat.