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The Prince- on the outside has everything, known by everyone, leading life predictable as one of the elite- high and mighty prince, but inside, lonely and search...
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The men were left open mouthed. They're looking at each other, dumbfounded.
President Caleb Wang, the son of CEO Wang, the President of the Wang Pharmaceutical Company and heir to the Wang empire; had just cooked lunch for them.
And not only did the food looked good it also tasted delicious. If they didn't know better they would think that the food was bought from some upper class restaurant.
Since seeing the President and his fiance with their own eyes yesterday; they had been shocked very much out of their wits.
They had seen the President Caleb Wang in action; he's ruthless, almost cold blooded and focused on winning every business bids he's in and intent on making all business ventures he's in, a success. That's the president they knew.
But since yesterday they had been seeing a different side of the president. His whole cold demeanor warmed up when he's around his fiance. His whole body language became gentle and loving.
The way the president looked at his fiance, the way the president smiled and laughed with him; that wasn't the president they knew.
The men really thought that the president was a different person; with the same face. They knew, without a doubt that the president really had fallen and captured and tamed. By another perfect man.
The team of ten men, were excited when they were sent here to Xinyang Guangdong, with one mission.
Protecting The President's Fiance's grandmother without her knowing about it.
But some of them became a little disheartened when they came and they were told that their roles was to be fruit pickers, helping the President's fiance's grandmother at her orchard. Who would have thought that the best of the Wang Personal Bodyguards were resorted into fruit pickers. But because they knew it's their job; their camouflage, they knew they had to do it as best as they can.
And by the afternoon of that first day, they were taken in by Mrs.Yin, the President's fiance's grandmother. The person they're protecting. She was warm, kind hearted and very very funny. They just met her that morning and already they felt that they'd known her for years. That day became the best day of their lives. Sweating and working and laughing like a real family. It felt good.