Chapter 39 : Treasure Each Other

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"It's my fault

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"It's my fault."

The look in Jia Xue's hazel eyes was more than Caleb could bear.

Caleb stood up and walked towards Jia Xue, taking him in his arms; wanting to ease the look from Jia Xue's eyes.

"It's alright, don't have to tell anybody anything. " Caleb whispered, "the family will understand.."

Jia Xue breathed in Caleb's scent, and suddenly he felt a lot calmer.

"No.." he looked up at Caleb. Caleb frowned hearing Jia Xue's words.

"I need to talk this over with the family..Maybe by talking about this, I can at least learn to deal with it.." Jia Xue said, in a small but determined voice.

"Are you sure?" Caleb asked. He couldn't help but feel worried over Jia Xue. He's so new to all these emotions and feelings. Can he handle talking about them openly?

"I'm sure.." Jia Xue nodded.

"I said, if you ever felt like that'd just have to tell me, and I'll endure it.."

Jia Xue shook his head, "that's very selfish on my part. Expecting you to endure whenever my issue resurface? Judging from experience I will be pretty hard on you when that time comes." Jia Xue sighed, "I even hated myself afterwards."

The family were all waiting at the living room, waiting for Caleb and Jia Xue to finish their discussion, while hugging each other.

Caleb nodded, finally accepting Jia Xue's decision. Then, both of them turned towards the living room, and walked there, together.

"Jia Xue dear.." Madam Wang, patted Jia Xue's hand as he took the seat beside her, "Gran apologize..You don't have to talk about anything if don't feel like it...we will understand.."

Caleb was right about how his family would be understanding of Jia Xue's decision.

"No, Gran.." Jia Xue had made his decision, "I want to talk about it.."

Caleb took Jia Xue's hand in his, holding it tightly, wanting to lend Jia Xue some of his strength.

Jia Xue took a deep breath, looking at Caleb for a second before facing the family.

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