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The Prince- on the outside has everything, known by everyone, leading life predictable as one of the elite- high and mighty prince, but inside, lonely and search...
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Caleb, who had been a veteran in being the centre of attention, knew that people around them were looking at them secretly and following them around secretly because they were curious about their prince, Jia Xue and his fiance.
They're stealing glances at him and Jia Xue; with their eyes judging everything. Looking at him from head to toe.
Well, look all you can. Caleb thought. You wouldn't find anything at all that would made me incompatible physically with your prince. Physically, Caleb had always been reassured of his good looks; he is confident of that.
Unlike Jia Xue who didn't seem to realise how his good looks affected people; Caleb does. Being a former top model, he had had enough of people looking at him. That's why he almost never went out in public with any of his former girlfriends. He never went out shopping with them. Let alone going for a stroll.
With his dates before; their destinations would be a high end restaurant and then a hotel. And if his dates needed a new bag or shoes, he'd bring them to a high end boutique with almost no other costumers inside. So their contact with other people were kept to the very minimum. Convenient . Comfortable. And cold. But he preferred it that way.
A year later and here he is; Caleb Wang, the former cold hearted man who had always went for the convenient and comfortable relationships with no strings attached; itching to hold hands with his date (well already did it actually), straining to kiss his dates in front of all those people (done that too), wanting to flaunt his date to everybody (was doing it now)and if it's possible announced in on a loudspeaker that the man next to him, belongs to Caleb Wang (this one's a bit trickier and Caleb was still thinking about ways to make this possible).