Chapter 65 : Accepting the Perfect Freak

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The police had heard a lot of amazing things but this is something new to them

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The police had heard a lot of amazing things but this is something new to them. Not only was it amazing; it's too impossibly amazing. It's downright preposterous.

Jia Xue only told the police about what happened truthfully. Every details of what had happened.

And the police looked at each other; not quiet understanding what Jia Xue was saying.

"You're saying used your hearing ability to determined where everybody was inside the room?"

Jia Xue nodded. He had already went about his report thrice. The police who had been taking Jia Xue's report went from two persons to three and now five.

"Then somehow you heard the commotion outside, then acted instinctively, while blindfolded, shot two of the bad guys, then fought the other four barehanded?"

Jia Xue frowned, "there's a few slight inaccuracies in what you've just said. First, I had already decided on what to do, before I heard the commotion. Second, I did not act instinctively. I made a mental mapping of the room and calculated my moves. Third, I did not fought barehanded. I used the SAW as a combat tool."

There was an eerie silence inside the room then, that if a pin dropped it could be heard loud and clear. Jia xue blinked.

The five officers looked at Jia Xue; unblinkingly, from head to toe and back to head again.

If, they hadn't known about Jia Xue they would have not believed a single word that he had been saying. This is the same person, who had saved Jason Guan, the heir to the Guan Family, a few months back from a sharp shooter; who used his above average ability to focus and identify the shooter later on.

He had been the talk amongst the police officers since. And now; this. They learnt that not only was Yin Jia Xue, had this focus, apparently he had this elevated ability to hear and sense things without using his eyes. Not only that, he's skilled in combat and he could shoot; with his eyes blindfolded.

And he's not lying. The five kidnappers who had been caught alive all gave the same descriptions.

All five officers looked at the man sitting in front of them. He's tall enough, but not that tall. He's leanly  well built but not too muscular or buffed. In fact Jia Xue could be mistaken as being thin to the untrained eyes.

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