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“Hello, hello, is this thing still on?” a giant green eye popped up to the screen before a gloved gray hand appeared.

Poke, poke.

“B, the red light means that it’s on.” Cyborg could be heard with a sigh from the back. He had been hunting for the little grass stain all day since he had disappeared with his tech. “And just what have you been doing with my camera?”

“I made a video message for the Flash in the Justice League,” Beast Boy announced proudly.

“Excuse me, come again?”

“I made a video message for the Flash,” Beast Boy said, playing with the zoom button so that it went ridiculously close to Cyborg’s face.

“I heard you the first time!” he yelled. “I meant why are you doing that?”

“Well, I heard that Kid Flash still hasn’t told the Flash about Jinx so I thought I’d give him a hand and create a video filled with proof of how great Jinx is, ex-villainess or not.” Beast Boy said with a grin.

There was silence as Cyborg tried to digest the message before he yelled. “Wha-? I thought you hated her! You called her the enemy of all animals!”

“Yeah, that’s it! That’s the point I wanted to reach!” he replied excitedly before plugging the camera into the computers. He clicked buttons randomly, hoping it’ll connect the camera to the computer. Spying a giant red button, he pressed that as well. Cyborg saw a dozen of files and arched an eyebrow. That hadn’t been there before the camera had gotten stolen.

“What is all this?” he demanded, missing how both his and Beast Boy’s communicators were now both silently blinking.

“Evidence of how Jinx is actually a nice person and not a denizen of evil.” Beast Boy said with a proud grin that showed off that he believed he had done the impossible.

“ me,” Cyborg said, now getting curious when he saw a file that showed a picture of Jinx with a look of panic as she jumped off a cliff with her arms outstretched.





“Hello, hello?” Beast Boy’s voice echoed, the camera held upside down. There was a look of confusion before Beast Boy’s eyes perked up in realization. He turned the camera upright and then smiled into it. “Hey there Mr. Flash, um... respectful member of the elite Justice League! My name’s Beast Boy, former member of the Doom Patrol, and current member of the Teen Titans... erm... the team that you’re protégée, Kid Flash, is an honorary member of.”


“Geez B, nervous much?”

“Shut up. I was making a message for a legend, remember? How could I not be nervous?”


By the time I send you this message, you probably heard about Kid Flash’s lovey-dovey relationship with the terrible, creepy, frightening, ex-villainess Jinx-.”


“Beast Boy, I’m pretty sure that’s not how you convince someone to accept an ex-villain.”

“Shhh, will you just watch this already?”


“-and while the rumors may be true-.”

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