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I really didn't care anymore, I mean the fan girls kept coming and coming. Who knew that most of the girl population in Jump City "loved" Kid flash? But I really didn't care because Kid Flash would always flirt back, but then something would blow up, like a fire hydrant causing the girl(s) to be wet and their make-up would run or something.

I sighed as the tower doorbell rang and got up and opened the door to see that it was Linda Park the teen reporter for the Keystone Newspaper and news. She had a small figure and was Korean. She wore jeans and a red shirt with a flash symbol of the Flash in the middle. She had a black bag and carried a notepad in her other hand. Linda was here to find out about Kid Flash and his relationship with the titans and other superhero teams. They had a little history, one time they kissed after Kid Flash had saved her from a fire and started dating. But when he joined the titans, she broke up with him. At least that's what Kid Flash told me.

"Hey, Ms. Park, It's so nice to finally meet you. Kid Flash has told much about you. I'm Jinx." I put on a fake smile, that could even fool Robin if it wasn't due to our past history and fights. I held out my hand, but she doesn't take it. I put down as she said,

"I know that you don't like me. In fact, I don't even like you, let alone would trust you with my life, if I had too.'

"Oh, really and what makes you think that?"

"Just my journalist instinct, and that the fact that I used to date him until he broke up with me to join the titans." She walked towards the evaluator.

"I thought that you broke up with him." I asked curiously.

"We really got along, but he always seemed somewhere else on our dates." She shrugged as I opened the door to the evaluator and we got in. I pressed level 20.

"Wow, so let's just put on a fake smile for Kid Flash so he doesn't suspect that we both hate each others guts." I hissed.

"Fine, as long as I get to ask what your relationship with him is."

"Deal, we're friends that's all. In fact besides, Raven, Argent, Starfire, Bee, and Wonder Girl, he's my best friend"

"Okay, then who gave you that?" She pointed to the necklace that Kid Flash gave me. It was in place with my other necklace. He gave it to me during the night after the fight with the brotherhood of evil.


"Jinx, I want to give you something." Kid flash said to me as I looked down from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"What is it? Flash" I asked.

"Here, I want you to know that you have a friend and I'll always be there for you no matter what. I care about you more than anyone I ever met and know." He handed me a necklace. It was almost identical to mine, except the stone was red with a yellow flash symbol in the middle. It was carved into the stone. I take it and say,

"Thanks Kid, I always wear it." I kissed his cheek and messed up his hair. By the time that he realized that I was gone, I was already on the evaluator going down.

"Kid Flash, he gave to me to remember that I had a friend in the darkest times." I looked down. The doors opened and we got off and went into the room where Kid Flash was. He was playing a video game while eating a bag of chips.

"Hey Jinx, oh hey Linda." He said after swallowing a mouthful of chips.

"Hello Wally, I missed you." Linda said.

"Wally? Your name's Wally. Never knew that. Well, just to be out of your way of interview and all, I'll be sketching. As soon as I get my sketchpad." I said as I went downstairs and got my sketchpad. When I came into the hallway where the two were talking about something. I got right next to the door and then I heard voices.

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