Whilw you're away 18+

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Jinx hated to admit it but, being alone sucked. She held her head high when she left hive five but, those 2 weeks by herself was worse than sharing a house with all those assholes, so when Kid Flash, who revealed his actual name to be Wally, invited her to stay at his place she hesitantly took his offer. He left for hours during the days and nights to go fight crime and save the day and when he was home they didn't really see much of each other so yeah, Jinx hated being alone. She left the house one day and headed to the strip mall across town.

Most of the store owners kind of hated her for always stealing from them so she was banned from most of them. The only few she was allowed to enter were a bath and body works, a lingerie store, and some dimly lit place called "When Girls Play". Jinx shrugged her shoulders and wandered into the lingerie store amazed at how many different kinds of underwear actually existed. She was searching through the racks looking at the different thongs,g-strings,and lacey bras when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She gasped and quickly turned around to find a tall slender woman with a name tag on her blouse "Rachel".

"Hi there hun, do you need any help you seem a little young to be shopping in here." She asked concerned.

"I'm 18 lady buzz off." Jinx snarled

Rachel stepped back and held her hands up not wanting to cause any trouble but, still stood behind Jinx observing what she picked up.

"This one would look really sexy on you, the lace goes with your style and the pink matches your eyes and hair." Rachel suggested trying to do her job. She held up the 2 piece set and held it out for Jinx to take. "You absolutely have to try it on trust me!" Rachel smiled and Jinx sighed walking toward the dressing room. She stripped her clothes and tried on the underwear shocked by what she saw. "not bad" she whispered to herself checking herself out in the mirror.

"I'll take it!" Jinx exclaimed peaking her head out to tell Rachel. Rachel cheered ringing up the clothes.

"That'll be $24.76!" She said cheerfully, happy that she actually made a sale today. Jinx payed and walked out the store a smirk on her face, Wally was definitely in for a surprise. Another idea popped into her head as she entered into the Bath and Body Works. She purchased a few sweet but, sensual smelling candles, body soaps, and lotions and exited the store. She only had one more stop before, she could go home and surprise her boyfriend and it was the dimly lit store across the street. She sighed but, glanced in bravely gasping as she realized what the store was selling. She walked around the store curiously and amazed picking up long banana shaped objects that she knew probably a little too well from her times snooping through some of the guys at the hive fives internet history. Through each aisle she picked up different shapes and forms of the sex toys before her until one she poked began vibrating in her hand. Jinx made a devilish smirk before paying the creep at the register and exiting the store and hiding the toy in one of her bags. She made her way back to her and Wally's apartment checking to see if he was home before she took a nice bath lit the candles in their room and put on her new lingerie. Jinx bit her lip as she took her new vibrating toy out of her bag and into her hands. She played with the dial observing the different settings of it feeling it pulse its vibrations on her hand and giving her a chill. she moved her damp hair to the side of her shoulders and lied down onto the bed. She brushed the vibrator against the inside of her thigh teasing herself and put it onto the first setting.

Wally entered Jinx and his apartment tired and beaten. He set the keys and what was left of his broken mask on the end table by the door and limped his way to the kitchen for water. He could feel the accelerated healing of his body speed up as he drank the water and removed his torn suit leaving him only in his boxers. He relaxed against the counter and looked around curious as to where his girlfriend was. He shook out his wavy red hair and yawned shutting the fridge and heading toward their room to get some rest. Wally stopped halfway through the hallway when he heard the sounds of moaning and a faint buzzing. His curiosity peaked and he moved his body through the wall connected to the closet of the room. Wally stood perfectly inline of the closet doors creak to see the bed directly. His mischievous mind wandered onto what Jinx would be thinking about and his boxers became tighter and tighter as each of the dirty thoughts races through his mind. He watched his girlfriend slide her panties further down her legs to allow herself to stretch out more. He reached into his underwear adjusting himself and grabbing a pair of his basketball shorts and disappearing out of the closet. Wally walked around the corner standing outside the door to their bedroom preparing himself to enter when Jinx's moans became rigged and louder. "Wally! Oh god!" he heard her calling. He swallowed hard a shiver running down his spine as his girlfriend called his name.

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