Jinx visits a friend

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"Ladies and gentlemen!"

Jinx hadn't seen him for a week. So she decided to visit his hometown.

"For one night only!"

And then she got stuck with this Mumbo-wannabe.

"The amazing ABRA KADABRA!"

The bald man was in a bizarre wizard outfit, holding a magic wand. And all around him, chairs, tables, and whatnot flew around with no discernable pattern.

Well, at least one person was being entertained.

Jinx stood up out of her table and calmly walked up to him.

The wizard turned to her. "You should sit down kid! The show has only just begun!"

"You're not really magic, are you?"

And then she fired a hex bolt into his magic wand, which instantly broke.

Kadabra looked at the remains of his wand, his face shocked. He then looked at Jinx.

"You're….a real magician…you're really magic…"

"And you're a fake."

Abra Kadabra frowned and then with a swish of his cape, vanished.

"Well…that was easy."


Kid Flash was suddenly in front of her.

Jinx took a step back in surprise. "You really need to…"

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you. Hey, who was that magician guy anyway?"

"Kadabra? He's from the 64th century. The whole technology looks like magic thing. But you shouldn't be here! The Rogues could…"

"Look, I can take care of myself, okay?"


Suddenly, he looked it into the air, almost hearing something. In fact he was hearing something. A vibrational message.

"I have to go."

She grabbed him a split-second before she left. Lucky.

But then Jinx had a lot of luck.

The setting is a bank. Typical. Four robbers were holding it up. Also typical.

"Now then lassie, put the money into the mirror."

A mirror instead of a money bag. Not typical. But the Rogues never really were.

The one who spoke, with the Scottish accent, was in an orange uniform with a green helmet.

"Now now, Mirror Master. You know who gets to speak." said an arrogant, snobbish voice. The brown-haired man was wearing a domino mask and a yellow and green striped costume with an upside-down pentagon in the middle.

"I think you cheated a wee bit with that coin toss, Top."

"Me, cheat?"

"With you, it's always a certainty" said a gruff voice. The man wore a blue parka (or "Eskimo suit") with goggles. His firearm blew smoke, but it was not fiery smoke. After all, a normal gun does not freeze a cop in ice. This smoke was more of a frosty mist.

"Captain Cold!" said the Top. "I'm devastated!" He then laughed.

"Can I burn it now?" The speaker was entirely dressed in a white uniform.

"No Heatwave. Not yet."


"If Cold and Mirror would just remember who is speaker here, we would be done a lot faster!" said the Top, now agitated.

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