What goes bump at night (+18)

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Jinx liked sleep. In fact, Jinx loved sleep. It was one of her favorite hobbies ever, next to drawing, and she liked to enjoy it rather frequently. When she was a villain, she got to pick her own schedule. After all, when you're your own boss, things like sleeping in till noon were perfectly acceptable.

Now that she's a hero, she gets less sleep than she ever thought possible. The whole "picking your own work schedule" deal for villains wrecked havoc upon her resting cycle now that she had to actually stop said villains from committing crimes.

And unfortunately, the "baddies", as Flashy Boy called them, all worked at different times, all hours of the day and night, from the obscene crack of dawn, to the sleepy dusk, to 4 am in the everloving morning.

So yeah, Jinx liked sleep, especially since she got it so rarely these days.

Wally? Wally could deal with 3 hours or less. His accelerated metabolism and healing made it so that recharging took half the time it would take other people. A nap for him could last 15 minutes and he'd be perfectly fine.

Which was why they had mutually agreed that he would handle most night calls so she got the requested 6-8 hours she wanted.

Unfortunately, the two of them didn't plan on her actually staying up to make sure that he would be okay. Ever since he barely made it home once, stumbling up to their flat, blood trailing on the carpet and severely injured while she snoozed away, she refused to go to sleep until he had came back.

Not that she would ever tell him.

Not that he didn't already know. Still, he would let her relax at home, running off to take the call since he could get it done faster. And, most of the time, she'd take one look at him when their bedroom door opened, and go back to sleep almost instantly, no words exchanged.

But then, there were times that she'd surprise him.

Like now, coming home from a robbery, he was plenty stressed and a bit sore. He sighed as he walked into the room, pulling off his uniform and throwing on the simple pair of boxers he had on when he first got the call, running his fingers through his red hair before he looked at the bed.

His pink haired girlfriend of well over 5 years looked back at him, sitting up, her eyes almost glowing in the darkness. He raised a brow.

"You're awake?" he asked. She almost smirked.

"Wanted to know if you were alive or not. I have dibs on your laptop, y'know."

He scoffed well naturedly. "You have dibs on everything", he corrected, watching her roll her eyes, falling back against the pillows.

"Good to know, hero boy. You gonna leave me here to go back to my beauty sleep all alone?"

He grinned at her before he walked over, falling on top with an overdramatic sigh, catching himself on his elbows beside her head and his knees, pressed together between her legs.

"Any more beauty sleep and you could knock men dead with a single look", he said, smiling in that charming way of his. She blinked at him blankly, setting her palm against his shoulder and zapping him with a hex.

He made a big show about it hurting before he let his elbows give out, landing on top of the petite sorceress, much to her dismay.

"Wally! Ugh!" She pushed at him, but he was 180 or so pounds of pure muscle, and that man was just not budging. He laughed before easing some of his weight off of her, this time, supporting himself on his palms as if he were doing a push up. She looked up at his face, scoffing at his boyish expression.

She swears, it doesn't matter how old they get, he'll always have this youthful quality to him that makes her feel just a bit more adventurous, a bit less cold. Even at 23 years old, he was still as rambunctious as he was when she first met him at 15.

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