Full of Love out of towels (+18)

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Two months

That was the time it took.

Two months. To fall in undeniable love.

The clock started from the moment Jinx stepped foot into his apartment. Within two months, she learned more than she would've thought. She learned that Kid Flash wore something other than his red and yellow stretch suit. That, his home often looked like a tornado would come through it. Which often was the case. She learned that he ate enormous amounts of food, and he always seemed to still be hungry. And that, he couldn't possibly wait for anything.

And when he knew he wanted something, he was going to get it.

From the first moment they met, Kid Flash had shown his attraction towards Jinx. Giving her roses. But Jinx was different. At first she just thought he was annoying. Well, she still does at the moment. But he also made her feel special. That the path she had chosen wasn't her only choice. And, after he left. She considered it, which caused her to leave the hive five, which now made the name accurate. And shortly after she had left, to be more accurate about two hours after she left. Kid Flash appeared and offered his apartment as a place for her to stay for awhile.

And that's what leads to this predicament. A hero and an ex villain living in the same location. Kid is still showing his affection toward Jinx. Hoping to win her over in some way. But she was still hesitant on some things. They had started dating of course. I mean two teens in one house, caused many hormones to rage. But Jinx refused to go any further than the usual make out session. Kid Flash wanted to go further, and she knew he wouldn't wait long.

And that's what leads to this predicament. Jinx and Kid Flash were sitting on the sofa. Kid was flipping through the channels, not really paying attention. Jinx was leaning against him, fiddling with her nails. Kid looked at her, mischievous smile creeping onto his lips. The next moment, the teenage boy that was holding up the girl disappeared, causing her to fall backwards onto the sofa.

"Hey!" She shouted at him, as she looked up and saw him on top of her, pinning her against the sofa. A smile on his lips.

Jinx opened her mouth to argue, but before any sound could come out, Kid smirked and covered her mouth with his own. His lips against hers, pulling her into a kiss. A small smile crept onto her lips, as she slipped her arms out from underneath his hands and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer. He smiled and let his tongue traced over her bottom lip, pleading for entrance. She looked at him, a small smile, and happily obliged. It soon became a small battle as their tongues began fighting for dominance. Jinx moved her hands up his neck and ran her fingers through his hair, causing a small moan from him. She could feel him running his hand up her leg. Jinx could feel his pants tightening. She smirked; she thought she might as well have some fun. Jinx pulled away and kissed at his neck, then pulled up one of his arms that was pinning her to the sofa. And got up off the sofa, walking away.

"Hey, where are you going!" Kid said as he sat up and looked at her.

Jinx smiled and glanced at him. "To take a shower..." Receiving a smirk from Kid, "... alone."

She turned back around and continued walking.

"Well, what if I have to get into the shower?" She heard him say, she looked at him once more with a smirk. "What, do you need to take a cold shower?" She asked him, seeing his face turn a barely visible red, but enough for her to know that she was pushing one of his buttons. Jinx continued walking to the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, even though she knew it wouldn't be much good. She started running the shower. Glancing behind herself once more before stripping of her clothes. Stepping into the shower.

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