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I stood at the doorway of his house, biting my lip as I knocked.

You'd think it would be hard to find someone who moves so fast, but he had an ad in the paper- Kid Flash's Cleaning Service. Do-gooding must not pay well. Like that's a surprise.

He opened the door in normal clothes, his orange hair tousled and his blue eyes sleepy. They focused, however, as soon as he saw me. "Jinx?" he asked, somewhat incredulously.

I shrugged. "Who else?"

His usual grin settled onto his face and he leaned on the doorframe. "Never know. After all, it's happened before."

I rolled my eyes. "Would you like me to prove it?" I asked, my eyes glowing pink.

He held up his hands. "No, no, I'd really rather not." He looked me up and down, and frowned slightly. "You must be freezing." I nodded. He took my hand and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind me.

His house was small and cramped, but nevertheless cozy.

"This isn't really my house," he said as I pulled out of his grip and looked around. "It's the actual Flash's."

I raised an eyebrow at him, pausing in my inspection.

"Do you think I would go around as Kid Flash if Flash wasn't already patented?" he replied.

"Oh, good. I was hoping you'd have better taste."

He laughed. "What about you? Did you actually get to pick your codename, or was it foisted upon you like so many bad eggs?"

I blinked a moment at the analogy, then shrugged again. "It's not my codename, it's my name," I answered. "I don't remember my real name. I got sent to a temple at home when I was little."

"Boy, I like this city," he said, shaking his head. "All you weird people make me feel positively normal." He sat down on the couch and glanced at me, as though expecting me to do the same.

I wasn't that comfortable with the idea of him, though, so I just leaned against the wall. I may've sought the guy out, but I wasn't bold enough to sit that close to him yet. "You are positively normal," I answered.

"You haven't seen my passion for marshmallows and hot dogs yet."

I glanced at him, but he just smiled at me.

After a minute, he cocked his head. "Are you hungry?"

I blinked. This was one of the things I didn't get about the guy. I show up at his house, and he doesn't ask what I'm doing there, he asks if I'm cold, and when I say I am, takes me inside. And then he asks if I'm hungry. "...Yeah," I said after a moment. I hadn't realized it, but I hadn't eaten since yesterday, when I had ditched the H.I.V.E. Five HQ.

"Great!" he said. "Come on, coffee shops await us." He started for the door.

"Not much of a cook, huh," I said, following him.

"No, not really," he replied.

"I figured with all you eat..."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Always being hungry doesn't make me a good cook. I live off those little soup cup things."

I snorted, rolling my eyes.

He took me to a little coffee shop place. "I love coming here," he said. "They have those little pastries with the cream in the center... don't give me that look! They're really good!"

"Is food all you think about?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

To my surprise, he looked away quickly, and I could've sworn I caught a blush. He mumbled something and then went inside.

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