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He watched as she looked over the roof, in a trance. Hair down, in some sweats that she took from the spares in the medical center. He shivered in the cool late September air. Clutching two sleeping bags and a large blanket in one hand and balancing two cups of hot coco in the other, he made his way over to the young woman. Her legs were drawn up to her chest by her arms and her head was tilted ever so slightly towards the sky.

"Hey" she started, and for a second her eyes were unfocused and fuzzy, before she recognized the man standing in front of her.

"Oh, hey"

"I brought sleeping bags, a blanket and some coco. You up for camping out, it's kind of crowded in there." A hint of a smile twitched on her lips.

"Yeah, I guess it is." He set down the coco to the side while he handed one sleeping bag to her, and unraveled one for himself. She undid the little straps that held the sleeping bad together. She flattened it out and crawled in feet first, before sitting crossed legged, only her bottom half covered by the snug sleeping bag. He copied her actions, and sat right beside her so the only thing separating their knees were the cloth parts of their sleeping bags. He silently handed her the cup of coco, and she took it just as quite. He grabbed the large blanket and wrapped it around both of their shoulders. Then, finally he took his own cup of coco and blew on it, before he took a tentative sip.

In the pale light of the full moon, he studied her features. Pink eyes sprinkled with pinpricks of light from the stars they were so inventively studying, were large without being bug eyes, and framed in dark lashes. Thin lips, slightly raised gave off the appearance of a stretched heart. High cheek bones and almost bony face gave off a classic 1800's beauty look. Her pink hair was stained by moon, which made it seem to be a rosy silver color, like copper almost. Thin fingers clutched the warm cup to her chest, and he noticed that on her finger was a bit of chipped silver nail polish.

They stayed in there quite dream like state, she watching the stars and him watching her.

"Andromeda Jennifer Hecate" She broke the silence with soft words, sounding like a very unusual name.

"My name. My name is Andromeda Jennifer Hecate, but most people would call me Jennifer or AJ." She never moved her eyes from the sky."

"Oh." He was at a lost for words.

She continued on as if she didn't hear him. "My father and mother both loved mythology. Andromeda was my father's favorite Greek heroine. Jennifer was the name of my grandmother, who died of cancer when my mom was 7 months pregnant with me. Hecate is my mom's maiden name." He watched her as she told her story. After she was finished she set down her now empty mug and he set down his.

He took her hand, and it fluttered like a captured moth for a few second before resting in his.

"My name is Wally West. Well, my parents liked the name Wally, and West was their last name. I don't think I have a middle name." She turned her head to look at him, and he gave her a small smile to which she returned. She rested her head on his shoulder and retuned her gaze to the sky, and he wrapped his arms around her thin shoulders. They stayed like that for a few minutes before the rose eyed beauty started talking again.

"I am 20 years old. My favorite color is amethyst. I love children's stories, especially fairy tales. I love mythology; epically Greek, but I do like some Egyptian and Norse. I like the singer P!ink. I like to read old stories, epically Edgar Allen Poe. My favorite book is Dracula by Bram Stoker. My favorite food is Cheetos. I like to do girlie things like paint my nails and do make up. I am good at video games, due to the fact I lived with five boys. When I was younger I wanted to own a book store/coffee shop. I like old houses, due to the way they are built. I've always wanted to move to Boston. My favorite football team is the Chicago Bears."

He let out a small laugh. "Why did you just tell me all of that?"

He could feel he shrug under his arms. "I really don't even know you. I thought you should know some small stuff about me."

Wally West adjusted himself so he was eye to eye with her, both hands on the side of her face. "Hey, I didn't need to know you when I saw you. I didn't even know you're name, or where you came from. All I knew it that I had to help you."

"So I'm the damsel in distress?" she teased a smirk fighting the corners now.

"No, you're the first princess to knock her prince charming on his ass when he tried to help you." She smiled, and for the first time since forever, he felt butterflies in his stomach as he leaned in.

Her lips tasted like vanilla, a sent that reminded him of warm summers and cozy winters spent by the campfire. It was like flowers and snow, water and fire, cold and hot. It was beautiful. It did not have fireworks, but it had the quality of burning embers, a slow warm feeling.

She responded to his lips by molding hers to fit his. They did not make out, or even get a little 'frisky'. It was a small gesture, but it meant so much. It was the first time he didn't try to speed things up.

He broke it. She breathlessly put her forehead to his.

"I don't love you, I don't think so. Not yet. The thing is that I could. I truly think that I could fall in love with Wally West. It scares me."

He put his lips to her brow, and mumbled against her vanilla skin.

"I'm happy that you don't love me. With all my other relation ships, I rushed it and it ended. This though, this opportunity is too great to pass up."

She pulled in this time, and it wasn't the same as the last. It held possibility, like a promise. That they would try. Maybe, just maybe they could fall in love.

After he broke it, they laid down, in their sleeping bags. Her head laid on his chest, and he could hear her heart beat.



"Am I you're girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I think so. That is, you want to be."

"I would like that."

They fell back into their silent thoughts. He broke the silence this time.

"Andromeda?" The words foreign on his lips.


"Why do you like the stars so much?" She adjusted her self so her head was right next to his. Her breath tickled his ear as he spoke. She still smelled like vanilla.

"When I was young, it reminded me of glitter, as if some giant threw glitter all over the sky. It's so magical, yet so mysterious. My parents, especially my mother would tell me stories about the constellations, and that made it even more magical."

"Could you show me some of those constellations?"

They fell asleep, much later. Her head had found its way back onto his chest and his arms wrapped around her body, so strong yet so frail. Any outsider would have smiled and made a comment about how great it was to be in love. They would be long though, they weren't in love, not yet. They were on their way to it

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