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"Dudes! Check it out…..BRAIN FREEZE!" Amidst Beast Boy's laughter the multitude of heroes and heroines groaned from the pain of hearing such a massively horrible joke.



They all filed inside, no doubt in the mood for a long awaited break. Jinx intentionally hung back, deciding that perhaps it would be best to silently take her leave. Just as she began turning away, a red and yellow blur zoomed in front of her and blocked her path. Kid Flash, a smirk adorning his face and his arms folded, stood ready to keep her from leaving.

"Going somewhere?" Jinx almost swayed on the spot. She couldn't help but avoid eye contact with him. "Hey Jinx… still here?"

"I-I um…I'm not sure if I should go in there?" Kid Flash's face housed confusion.


Jinx shook her head. "I think I should just go." She began to move around him but his arms caught her around the waist. "Let me go."

"Jinx, trust me I know these guys."

"I was their enemy for-"

"But you're not anymore!" exclaimed Kid Flash. Jinx's eyes studied him oddly. Kid Flash ran a hand through his hair. "Okay fine, you were criminal and Hive agent. The second part was hardly your fault seeing how you were brainwashed."

"Look, Kid Flash-"

"Wally, please." Jinx smiled.

"Wally, I appreciate what you're doing. But I know how grudges go and I did things that would certainly facilitate some mean memories." Wally rolled his eyes.

"You see that is what we, that is I, call…"quitter" talk. You helped us bring down some pretty bad guys; ergo you are not a bad guy but a good….whatever. You're coming in."

Beast Boy fell upon the half circle couch within their enormous living room. "Home sweet home!" Cyborg marveled at the view from the equally large window.

"I sure did miss this place-"

"Cool pad!" Kid Flash surprised Cyborg from behind. The red and yellow speedster zipped about the common room. Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy gawked at the number of Titans spread throughout their operations center. Kid Flash found his way to the refrigerator and after retrieving a snack offered a portion of it to Jinx. Then, without warning the Titan alarm rang throughout the tower while also displaying their insignia on the giant screen. Robin was quick to answer the call. As soon as he did so a screen display of none other than Dr. Light was shown. The footage depicted him blasting apart a bank vault and robbing the precious items within.

With her hands laced together Starfire posed, "The Dr. Light?"

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me," droned Raven.


The peaceful tranquility of downtown Jump City remained calm as ever, that is until the revolving doors of the city bank were blown away with terrific force. The meager villain emerged from the resulting smoke carrying piles of moneybags. Unbeknownst to Dr. Light, The city's heroes lay in wait for him upon the roof of the bank.

"Maybe we oughta show him who he's up against," suggested Cyborg.

"He's totally gonna freak this time," said Raven. Behind them the mass of honorary Titans also stood ready. Sure it was a bit of overkill, if the expression could be forgiven, but months of fighting the Brotherhood had born a sense of impatience. Robin extended his staff and gave his signature command.

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