Fireworks and Romance

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A/N this is not about flinx only bit the other TT shippers but the main characters are Flinx

Jinx lay in her bed in Kid Flash's apartment, her eyes shut tight. It was only July 2nd, and already the residents of Key Stone city were setting off fireworks, causing huge explosions to sound through the night and deter her from her sleep.

She groaned, rolling over to face the alarm clock. Midnight. Make that July 3rd. Back when she was a thief and part of the Hive, midnight felt more like eight o' clock to her. But now that she was a hero- she still used the term loosely- she had to be up early. Unfortunately, crime doesn't seem to need sleep, and feel the need to attack in the early morning hours, when the day still borders on night.

Kid Flash was out on patrol now, and Jinx wished more than anything he were home. She couldn't sleep, and she knew he would have some remedy- whether it be a dumb romantic comedy, or some odd recipe his Aunt Iris had taught him in his youth. Either way, he would help her get to sleep. He always does.

She begrudgingly swept her legs over the side of the bed, shivering when her feet came in contact with the cold floor beneath her. She was wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts, and her feet bare. Pink hair cascaded down her back, stopping halfway down. She blew her bangs out of her eyes and grabbed a sweater from the top of her dresser. She wrapped it around herself, and shuffled to the living room.

A basket of un-folded laundry sat on the coffee table in front of the couch, and she reached in and grabbed a pair of socks. She was pretty sure they were Kid Flash's, but she knew he wouldn't mind, although hewould tease her about it later.

She sat on the couch and grabbed a book from a stack on the coffee table, and leaned her head back on the cushion. She yawned and switched on the lamp, allowing herself to be swept away in the faraway lands her book promised to her.


A lone speedster sat on top of a roof, admiring the fireworks as they boomed above him. "Wow," he breathed, as a purple explosion rained down in front of him. Fireworks sure are beautiful. He was supposed to be patrolling, but he was fast enough that if someone tried anything he would easily get there in time to stop them.

Besides, who would pull anything on America's birthday? He laughed gleefully when a green firework exploded. He pondered going back to the apartment and grabbing Jinx, but she would just think he's being stupid. He knew she didn't like fireworks, she had been dreading Independence Day for weeks now. He smirked. That was going to change by the fourth. He glanced down at his communicator- half past midnight.

He had twenty four hours to make Jinx admit she loved fireworks.

It was so on.


The apartment door creaked open and Jinx looked up. Kid Flash sauntered in, a dreamy expression in his eyes. She smirked. "Enjoy your patrol?"

"Jinx?" He stared at her in bewilderment. "Why are you still up?"

She shrugged. "Stupid fireworks kept me up."

He sped to her side and sat by her, an eyebrow raised. "They ended hours ago."

She grinned sheepishly. "I guess I got into my book," she murmured.

Kid Flash laughed. "You're such a nerd, Lucky."

She elbowed him playfully. "At least I'm not an air-headed jock."

"You know," he mused, "if this were a romantic comedy, we would so be getting together at the end."

She rolled her eyes, despite the blush creeping up her neck. She knew he was just messing around, but little did he know, that's the one thing she wanted more than anything. She stood up suddenly, dropping her book on the table. "Too bad this isn't a movie," she muttered. She turned on her heel and went into her room, shutting the door behind her.

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