they're hurting

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The party was over. The titans were beginning to clean up the ops room after the Honorary Titans had cleared out. Only two remained: Jinx and Kid Flash. Titans East were also there, helping the original Titans to finish cleaning up and go through the remaining paperwork.

Jinx was still there because Robin hadn't trusted her enough to place her on one of the newly formed Titans teams.

Kid Flash was still there because he wouldn't leave Jinx.

Jinx sat on the couch in the ops room watching as Beast Boy and Cyborg played each other in some robot video game where they fought each other. Kid Flash was off with Robin, Aqualad and Speedy somewhere. Raven was off meditating and Starfire was with Bumblebee as well as Mas and Menos in the kitchen cooking some delicacy from her home planet. Beast Boy had given Jinx a warning glance when she promised Starfire she would try a plate, but Jinx hadn't given much heed. The lunch ladies in the Hive Academy weren't necessarily top notch cooks, neither were any of the members of the Hive-Five, so Jinx was used to disgusting food.

Cyborg nudged her knee. "You wanna play a game?"

She glanced at him, taking him in. When he was Stone, she thought she loved him. Granted, she was about twelve or thirteen at the time, so love was a mindless game back then. It didn't mean anything. Stone was gone, though, and Cyborg was here. Cyborg was real, and he was nothing more than a friend.

She grinned. "If you're ready for an ass-whooping."

Beast Boy chuckled. "Ten bucks on Jinx!"

The doors to the ops room opened and Raven drifted out. She took in the scene before her before moving to sit on the other side of Mas. "Never took you for the type to play games," she said as she watched Jinx furiously press the buttons on her remote.

Jinx shrugged. "When you live with five boys, there's not much else to do."

Raven snorted. "Three boys are bad enough for me. At least two of mine are intelligent."

Jinx chuckled. "If you're referring to the moronic tendencies of the Hive Five, you're so right."

"I didn't mean to include you in that," Raven said, glancing at Jinx.

Jinx whooped as her robot knocked out Cyborg's. "Oh, I don't mind. I was a moron for sticking with those guys in the first place."

Beast Boy nodded. "No offense- but yeah. Why'd you stay with those losers for so long anyway?" he asked as Jinx passed him the controller.

"I didn't have a place to go," Jinx responded, leaning back on the couch.

Raven offered a small smile. "You can stay with the Titans, Jinx."

Cyborg and Beast Boy nodded in agreement. "With your hexes, the Titans would be unstoppable!" Beast Boy cried.

Jinx laughed. "Thanks, BB."

"Don't laugh at him," Raven muttered. "You'll just encourage him."

Beast Boy glowered at Raven. "Hey!"

Cyborg pressed the buttons on his remote and let out an elongated "BOO-YAH!" as his robot knocked out Beast Boy's, leading to a string of whines emitting from Beast Boy.

Raven rolled her eyes. "They're going to start arguing."

Jinx sighed. "That's the worst—I hate when boys argue over video games."

Raven nodded in agreement. "I could show you around the tower, if- ow," she muttered, cringing.

Jinx placed a comforting hand on Raven's shoulder. "You alright?"

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