Dinner (18+)

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“I don’t want to go pick up the take-out order.”

“Well, I don’t either.”

Jinx rolled her eyes. “You can get there in five seconds, Wally.”

He shrugged and grinned at her. “I’m just too tired.”

“Too tired my ass.” She leaned back on her heels and regarded him carefully, chewing on her lower lip and trying to bat her big, pink eyes at him. He was unrelenting in his laziness and she groaned again. “Come on, Wally. Please?”

He shrugged. “Nose goes.”

Damnit. Jinx never beat her boyfriend at that game. Really, how could you beat a speedster at a game that required speed as a skill set? She glared at Wally and crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her fingers on her upper arm. Outside the snowstorm raged, white flakes obscuring the whole street until it looked like the entire world existed only in shades of white and gray. Jinx shivered at the thought of having to step outside their apartment and tried to play coy again.

“It’s cold, Wally.” She moved closer to him, pouting her lips as she ran her icy fingertips over his chest. She could feel his muscles tighten with excitement under her touch, his body almost immediately reacting to her proximity alone.


She leaned just a bit closer to him, so that her breath curled down his neck, mingling with his own warmth until they became inextricable from one another. Jinx pressed an innocent kiss to his collar bone, nibbling at the flesh straight through his t-shirt. He made a strange grunting noise in the back of his throat, obviously trying to keep his emotions under control and out of her reach. Oh, it was too late to fight her. Jinx kissed up his neck, one hand resting on his hip.


He jumped under her touch and his hands instinctively went to touch her, fingers biting almost harshly into her waist. As his hands slid under his t-shirt hanging loosely from her body, Jinx could feel his pulse race against her skin. He stroked the bare flesh of her stomach, drifting upward to tease her nipple into a tight peak. Jinx felt her own blood begin to boil, but she had to hold out long enough to get what she wanted first.

She pulled away just long enough to look into his ridiculously blue eyes, a smile curling at her lips. “Please?”


Wally groaned in defeat, his hands tightening against her skin. “Fine, Jinx. Jeez… I can’t believe you-” His annoyed tirade was cut short as Jinx stood on her tip-toes, pressing her lips against his. He tasted sweet and clean, like fresh air and lemons, and no matter how many times they met each other like this, Jinx knew that every kiss from him would always send her head reeling. 

He pulled away, gasping for breath as his fingers continued to tease her nipple under her shirt. “You always do this to me.”

Jinx was trying desperately to keep her feet on the ground and failing. Every touch from his fingers sent an electrical shock down her spine, and she could feel her body become heavy under the pressure of their love. She looked up at him, a small smile peeling across her lips as he ripped the shirt off her body. 

“Do what?”

“Make me give in to you.” He bent down and closed his mouth over her breast, and Jinx screamed, her fingers burying into his hair. She didn’t know whether to pull him closer or push him away, and her body was utterly confused and delighted by the sudden assault on her senses. It was as if she was flying and the only thing that would catch her, was her quick descent into oblivion. 

His free hand slid underneath her panties and ran a finger over her core in clever little strokes that reminded Jinx that Wally certainly knew his way around her body. She gasped and mewled, writhing against him as his fingers continued to tease her, knowing exactly where her edge was and riding it hard. 

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