The little things

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It was the little things that were the most important. Despite being the flamboyant cocky teenager that he was, Kid Flash’s moments together with Jinx were somewhat private.

They weren’t like Robin and Starfire where the press seemed to hound their every movement, but they also weren’t like Speedy and Cheshire where their relationship was a complete and utter secret. (Kid Flash knew only because of Jinx, who, apparently, was still on talking terms with Cheshire.)

Besides, even if a magazine tabloid or newspaper gossip reporter dared to get near them, any cameras or recording devices would blow up around Jinx... which several industries had learned about the hard way.

Many would actually claim that Kid Flash was too good for the likes of a reformed villainess and this wasn’t simply due to her shady history. She was also the polar opposite of the out-going, charismatic golden-boy superhero. Whereas Kid Flash would light up the room with his presence, Jinx had the tendency to darken any light-hearted atmosphere possible.

Thus, it was surprising to many –especially the KF fans- that despite several years passing, those two were still together and as close as ever.

Yet no one knew why...

And Kid Flash had no intention of sharing the reasons with any of them.

He refused, point blank, to tell them about how it was the little things that made her even more endearing to him, the way she’d curl up next to him on cold nights due to how he –with his naturally fast metabolism- was basically a human furnace while he’d cuddle against her because of how she was just so naturally nice and cool against his heated skin. Jinx would fit so perfectly in his arms and sometimes, even though he didn’t require much sleep due to his speedy nature, he’d sometimes just spend hours holding her in his arms, running his hand through her hair absentmindedly.

There was also how despite her hard past, she’d look at him with trusting eyes she’d never show anyone else. Not even the HIVE had the benefit of seeing those eyes. There was a magical glint in those pink orbs, even if there was a haughty sneer on her face or a dark scowl. She trusted him with everything. Even after all the betrayals and hurt that she had faced in the past, she was willing to try again, just for him. It was a look that left him breathless and wanting to hold her tight all over again, to protect her from all the dark looks everyone would cast her way.

No one would ever know of how his heart would flutter like mad whenever she’d give him a smile reserved just for him. It wasn’t one of her catty or salacious smiles or that scary one she’d give in a particularly bloody fight. It was one of those shy hesitant smiles that she’d give him whenever she thought he wasn’t looking or when she thought he was asleep.

Jinx may not know it, but Kid Flash had mastered the art of pretending to be asleep just because he enjoyed how she’d quietly run her hand through his hair, a soft smile on her face, and a tiny omission of her tough bad-girl exterior as she whispered how much she loved him.

Nope, no way, not even for all the money in the world would he tell a soul about this.

Because those were the small things he loved about Jinx and it was for him and him only. And hero or not, if someone got their hands on that information, there would be hell to pay.

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