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Kid Flash loves Christmas.

The lights, the laughter, and the insanely over-crowded Macey's stores-he practically laps it up.

Me? I'd be happy if the whole damn thing just upped and disappeared.

It's not that I've got anything against the holiday or Christianity or anything. In fact, I've always sort of liked it-until I got in with the good side and figured out how Titans do Christmas.

Trust me, they're insane.

Lights everywhere. Fake snow dusted windows. Holiday music blasting.

And one GIGANTIC Christmas tree.

This year it's us, the European Titans, who get to decorate said gigantic Christmas tree.

They want me to prance around singing 'Joy To The World' and getting hit in the head Christmas tree branches the size of Mas y Menos?

You're cute.

I sit in Raven's bedroom, going through her books and trying not to feel lonely. She and Beast Boy are out together doing something couple-ish, Cyborg's messing around in his office, Robin and Star are probably having sex somewhere, and nobody besides my Titans branch is her.

And I've really had enough of those guys.


Deep breaths, Jinx.

"JINXY! WHERE ARE YOU?" Kid Flash calls, in his almost defiantly loud voice.

"I'm in here, you nitwit," I mutter, soft enough that I can barely hear myself, soft enough that I don't have to worry about Flash hearing and tracking my-


"Jinx! Why aren't you helping?" He looks at me with large, pleading blue eyes and I feel my Christmas hatred weakening.

No, Jinx, no. Think of…think of Macey's the day before Christmas.

I shudder.

"I don't do Christmas." I shrug. "Sue me."

"Oh, c'mon, Jinxy! As devilishly handsome as I am, I can't provide the attractiveness for the whole tower! A beautiful woman like you must accompany me in my spreading of sexiness!"

"Conceited much?"

"I prefer…self-confident." He leans against the doorway. "Hey, I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry, kid. It's what happens when you're a speed demon." I snort. "Now go away." Please, so I can stop secretly drooling.

Alright, in case you haven't guessed, I am very attracted to Kid Flash.

But I mean, have you seen him? What sane human wouldn't be? And then he had to go and be funny and nice and just the right shade of stupid that I find him endearing…

"I would, but you're coming with me!"

"Wait, what?" I snap my head up.

"Come on, then." He grabs my arm. "I know the perfect place!"

And before I can utter an 'Unhand me, speed demon!', he's whisked me off, and I'm sitting in a café in what looks like Vienna, Italy.


He can't take me somewhere like Vegas, no, he has to be CLASSY. He has to know that Verona would've been too much romance and girliness. He has to listen to me when I tell him that I get seasick, which knocks Venice off of the board.

He knows me so well, and yet he is so utterly blind to my feelings when I practically wear them on my tee-shirts.

Guys. Whatcha gonna do?

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