Left Alone

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Wally was cornered by the Hive Five. He smirked and vibrated through the wall. Coming up behind them he was able to catch them off guard. Before he could finish the job though he glanced the clock. Dad is gonna kill me. Wally thought as he made a B-line out of the building. The Hive Five looked confused as the hero split.

"Good thing I planted a tracker on the snot rocket." Gizmo said. They all smiled maliciously and followed the tracer. When they got there the scene before them was surprising. They were hidden so that they could see him but he couldn't see them. The front door broke as a bloody Kid Flash hit the pavement in front of the house. A man who looked a lot like the kid stumbled out after him. A couple neighbors walked out of their houses. More in annoyance than anything like they were used to this.

"Rudy if you have to deal with the kid can't you do it inside?" One of them asked. Rudy roughly pulled Wally up and threw him against the porch post. He winced as his back collided.

"Worthless brat! You don't even deserve to breathe!" Rudy yelled. Getting in Wally's personal space he tensed.

"You should just get it over with. Nobody cares about you!" he said punching Wally in the gut and leaving him in the front yard. The neighbors walked back inside of their houses. None of them seeming to care. Wally coughed and sat up taking in a breath of air. He fought tears as he pushed himself off of the ground. Wally turned towards the house and reluctantly entered. He walked past his father who was glaring intensely.

"You're the reason your mother left." Rudy stated. Wally continued to climb the stairs. He walked into his room and curled up on his bed. Wally was almost asleep when his dad burst in. He sat up in alarm and turned towards him.

"Let's go." Rudy said.

"Where?" Wally asked.

"Don't question me brat!" he shouted grabbing Wally's arm and dragging him to the car. Rudy threw him in and climbed in driving away fast. The Hive Five were looking at each other in confusion and slight horror. They decided to follow them.

They ended up in the woods in the middle of nowhere. When they caught up to Wally and his father Wally had an inhibitor bracelet on. He fought against Rudy's grip in vain.

"Dad!" he yelled trying to get away. Rudy stopped and pushed him up against a tree. Pulling out a knife he held it Wally's throat. The normally happy speedster paled. Rudy smiled at his sons fear. He drove the knife in Wally's gut.

"Dad, stop." he gasped out as the blood started running down his torso. Rudy put his hand around Wally's neck. The currently defenseless speedster gasped for air as the hand tightened. Wally tried his hardest to fight back but he could feel himself getting weaker. Rudy pulled the knife out and stabbed it in another spot. Wally cried out which earned a smirk. Rudy dropped him to the ground and walked away leaving Wally to bleed out alone. While the rest of the Hive Five left Jinx stared at the speedster. Her feet acted of their own accord as she ran to his side.

"Kid Flash?" Jinx asked. He cracked his eyes open and stared up at the sorceress.

"Hey Jinxy." Wally mumbled.

"Let me get you to a hospital." Jinx said ignoring the nickname. I mean he was dying.

"I don't think there is enough time." he said. She looked at him as sadness clouded her mind. Jinx didn't know how much the speedster meant to her until that moment.

"Sorry lucky." Wally said as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Kid Flash." Jinx said not knowing what else she could say.

"Wally." he said.

"What?" she asked.

"Call me Wally. Can you do me a favor lucky?" Wally asked.

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