the Kid Flash look

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It turned out that being a Teen Titan was a lot harder than Jinx had expected. Though she was an 'honorary' (what a stupid word) Teen Titan, it was still taking a large chunk out of her underweight wallet. There were a couple get togethers every year, in which Robin would brief them all on villains they might want to watch out for or which cities they would find allies in if they ever needed a hand. It meant that she had to fork over money for a plane ticket, though there was no hotel bill since there was a lot of room for sleeping bags and blow-up beds in the Titan's Tower.

Jinx couldn't decide if she hated the meetings or not. She hated them because she had to get on an airplane with him and nothing was ever fast enough for him. She imagined the flight must have seemed unbearably slow to the fastest boy alive (who was, unfortunately, her current forced roommate since she couldn't exactly go back to the HIVE Five and also because she had no steady income to afford her own rent), but he could have behaved a little better. His finger drumming and foot tapping and music blaring had nearly driven her insane.

The pink-haired teenager hated the briefings because once the boring bits were over (which she also hated) there was hanging out. Most of the boys took turns racing each other on the Titan's giant television and game console, though some girls occasionally joined them. There was volleyball on the roof, nail painting and hair braiding in the basement, and an assortment of various activities on other floors.

She hated it because there were always whispers.Didn't she used to be bad? Like it was her fault that she had bad luck. Jinx hugged her arms to her chest as she passed from the kitchen (where she had just helped herself to a midnight snack of an apple and some milk) and her gaze automatically passed over to where a couple of figures were lounging on the couch. Beast Boy looked like he was ready to just fall over from exhaustion, though his eyes were glued to the big TV as he raced Kid Flash on some video game.

You're at a disadvantage, she felt like telling the green boy. His reflexes are fast.

Instead of letting them know that she was the one who was there, the pink-haired heroine (ack, was that what she was now?) started to shuffle towards the door.

"Night, Jinx," called a quiet voice. She paused, turning to look at the boys that were around the couch. She wasn't sure that she hadn't imagined it, since the red-haired boy's eyes were still trained on the car he was driving around on the television.

Jinx kept walking, exiting the most visited room of the Tower and shuffling down the hallways. She had her mind trained on one thing: a shower. A nice, hot shower was something that she had available at Kid Flash's apartment, but a shower at the Tower came with one thing that she wanted: security. A powerful lock on the door guaranteed that she wouldn't be interrupted by a red-haired pest that claimed to be seeking some sort of body spray or deodorant or whatever he had lamely lied that he needed. Wally had never pulled the curtain aside (as much as it surprised her) but he frequently interrupted her showers so stealthily that if it wasn't for the gust of wind that came with his speediness she wouldn't have realized he was there at all.

There were four bathrooms in the Tower, though only two of them had shower stalls. The other two were half baths and only had a toilet and a sink. Jinx stepped into one of the full bathrooms, peeling away her dark pajamas and twisting the handle so that hot water spouted from the showerhead. It burned her skin, so she quickly turned down the heat a little. It was only once that the teenager had started to actually run her hands through her hair as the warm water beat down on her skin did she realize that she was missing something rather important: shampoo.

She mentally cursed at herself, wondering why she hadn't gone upstairs to retrieve her own large plastic container full of her favorite shampoo. But, looking around at the shelves that were built into the shower, she realized she probably hadn't needed to. All of the honorary Titans had evidently brought their own shampoo and body wash of choice, so several bottles littered the shelves.

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