Forward Motion

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Jinx looked around the room, one hand massaging her temple. There were so many people, and they were all so bright. Normally, she didn't have a problem being around heroes, or even large groups of people. But, the battle against the Brotherhood of Evil had taxed her powers beyond anything she'd ever been through - except for certain days so far back in her past she didn't even admit they existed - and left her mental shields weak and crumbling. She was especially sensitive to heroes' auras, given that she'd been on the villain side for so long. It was like moving from cold water to hot water - it was a strong shock, and right now, her head was killing her.

"Hey, are you going to be okay?"

Wally's voice was warm and concerned. His aura was bright, but not blinding like the Justice League's. Part of it was that he was still unknown as a hero, part of it was that hint of his own innate darkness that he still struggled with, and part of it was that she was used to him.

The sorceress smiled up at her boyfriend - her boyfriend, what a thought that was - and said, "I'll be fine, just tired. It's... really bright here."

Kid Flash frowned slightly and adjusted his hold on his girlfriend - and, wow, he actually had a steady girlfriend and she was seriously the best thing to ever happen to him - and looked around. The two of them were sitting against a stack of crates as the Justice League coordinated with the Titans - the ones from Jump City - to get the Brotherhood of evil contained and shipped away to their respective prisons. Some would go to Jump City, others to Star City, to Central City, to Metropolis, to Gotham, to New York City... Others would leave the country, back to England and Africa, and others still would leave the planet. Cargo planes and helicopters littered the hideout - if anything, there was less than average light in the area.

"A... psychic thing?"

Jinx nodded. "Yeah... I just need some rest and I'll be fine. Have they said when we can leave yet?"

Wally shook his head. "Nope. Still waiting on the debriefing roster. No one's leaving until we're sure all the bad guys are contained, all the information stripped down, and everyone's stories lined up. It's going to be a long day."

"Great," Jinx sighed, leaning her head against Wally's shoulder. A streak of red caught her attention, and she looked back up at him. "Are you going to be okay?"

Wally gave her a small, tight smile. "Yeah. I should be."

Jinx regarded her boyfriend carefully. Wally was one of the few truly good people she'd met. It rarely occurred to him to lie, even to her. But when he did... well, she'd seen rocks with worse poker faces. Wally squeezed her hand in assurance, and the pair went back to watching the chaos around them.

There was a bright streak of blue and red, and Superman appeared near them. He was drawn into conversation with Starfire almost immediately, and Jinx pressed her palm to her temple as pain lanced through her skull. "Any chance we could find somewhere... not here? I don't think I'm going to last very long with Superman and Wonder Woman in the same place right now."

Before Wally could reply, a cool shadow fell across them.

"Drink this," a dry female voice said, pushing a cup with clear brown liquid in it in front of Jinx, "It'll take the edge off."

Jinx blinked and took the cup, inhaling the herbal aroma. Her eyes widened. "Does this have - oh my gosh, Raven, you are my new favorite person forever."

She took a deep sip, humming happily when she felt her headache lighten.

"What is it?" Wally asked, looking between his girlfriend and the Titan in blue.

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