The eve of Flinxmas

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To Wally West, the holidays were a wonderful time. They filled him with joy, and excitement like a childish chime. He loved the lights, the spirit, and of course the gifts. Heck, he even fell for the holiday myths. But it was on this Christmas rest; that the love of his life, enticed him onto a quest…

The waning winter moon was blurred behind the thin clouds of the night as they delivered a soft blanket of white snow atop the roofs and streets of Jump City. A calm quiet set upon the city, as children and adults waited anxiously for Santa to visit them in the night. Though the quite had set in, many street lights and home lights still lit the cold winter night. One such light was that of Wally West's home, but it wasn't left on by him, but his home mate Jinx. She had settled into an arm chair wearing a blue cotton robe and white slippers on her feet. In one hand she had a mug of steaming hot chocolate, in the other a book. As her coral, cat like eyes skimmed the contents of the book and sipped her warm drink; she looked up at the clock that hung over the kitchen door. The constant ticking of its arms reminded her each time that a certain speedster had not returned home yet. Her lips allowed a soft sigh escape between them before returning to her book. "…He has the power of super speed, and yet he still can't make it in time to spend the night of Christmas Eve with his girlfriend. Whatever he's doing, I hope its worth him getting me upset…" Jinx growled while still reading the book in her hands: The Philosophy of Heroism.

It was in fact that young West was still out on an important endeavor. For on this Christmas Eve, he felt not so clever. You see, in his usual holiday excitement and living. He forgot to buy his girlfriend Jinx a single holiday giving. It wasn't until the Eve that he realized his fault. And if Jinx found out, his life would come to a halt. So, without much an explanation, other then making Christmas merry. He bolted out into the cold night, knowing he couldn't tarry…

In a whirling blur, Wally dashed down the snow banked streets towards the mall. "Crap, crap, crap!" He scolded himself through gritted teeth.

He was in too much of a hurry to worry about anything; as he ran down the streets at a break neck pace, he sent mounds of snow drifts into the air in powdery clouds. Even in his rush, he neglected to put his mask on or even his costume. All he wore now was a green wool sweater, red flannel pants, and his white scarf flapped in his rushing speed. His fiery red air sagged in the cold night as snow flakes piled atop it and dampened it. But to him, none of it mattered, because he felt horrible about what he did… or so much didn'tdo. His feet slid to down the final stretch of street, gliding across the layer of ice on the road as he came face to face with the mall. His hopeful sapphire eyes glinted brightly as he walked into the shopping center, praying it wasn't too late. Walking in, he was overwhelmed by crowds of people running about with multi colored bags and boxes. Wally couldn't help but smile by the activity of the holidays, but quickly shook it off and remembered why he was here. He pulled up his sleeve and checked his wrist watch to see what time he had left. "Okay… one hour behind… she'll kill me if I'm three hours late so I have one hour and 59 minutes. Easy," He told himself.

Once more, he saw the rush of people running about with all their gifts and otherwise, and that stores where starting to turn their lights out and close their gates. "…Real easy…" Once more, he bolted down the halls of the store, carefully swerving and jumping over people and obstacles so as not to make anymore commotion. He saw a mission before him, a life or death one… if he failed, he feared the only girl that he cared about would never forgive him; he knew he wouldn't.

Though Jinx saw Wally's actions as stupid to go marry making in to cold. She couldn't help but smile to herself and see it as somewhat bold. Until she met Wally, she had never celebrated this day. To her it seemed useless, always having to pay. But the truth was that her never celebrate it had nothing to do paying. It all came down to her if and where she was staying…

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