Flash Crush Rush

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I do not want to discuss this right now.

"Why not?" said the Kid Flash in an annoying, whiny voice.

"Because I said so," I replied in a firm tone. But when he looks at me with those big, adorable, penetrating, blue eyes, I can't refuse. Stupid eyes.


I just sigh and look at my childish boyfriend. A small smile plays at my lips. He was just so cute! Yet, so, soannoying. But I guess that's part of the reason I love him so much.

I hadn't gone to the T-tower since all of the titans were there after defeating the Brotherhood. We didn't hang around Jump City long (no one did)- the rest of the world needed protecting after all.

The Titans East went back to the East, and the rest of the Titans who came from God knows where returnedto God knows where.

Leaving me and Kid Flash. He was just protecting Jump while the original Titans were off fighting and recruiting, so I left Jump with him. We went to Song City, his hometown.

Still. There were reasons I didn't want to go back! Why didn't he get that?! The Kid Flash has been bugging meforever to visit.

I suppose it was unavoidable. Now that I'm a goodie-goodie, I have to talk to them, despite the-er- miscommunication before. It was hard to talk with people you used to fight on daily basis. It gets awkward. What would we talk about? I can see it now. Hey, remember the time I whooped your butt and stole your clothes? Or, wasn't it neat how Mammoth cleaned your fridge when we stole your home? Mm hm. Great conversation starters.

But the thing is? They all accepted me. Sure I got a few you-were-what? looks and are-you-serious-es, and I definately got a lot of distrustful glares, but hey, what should I expect?

I was a hero now, and, surprisingly, being good was actually a better deal than I thought. I liked it.

Not that I'd admit it to many people.

"So when are we going?" I asked, resigning myself to the idea and actually remembering I was in the middle of a conversation.

"Now!" he said as he picked me up bridal style.


"Let's go!" And with that, the idiot runs to the T-tower.

*One moment later*

I was getting way to used to this. He just took me miles away in a blind of an eye and it has no effect on me.

What an idiot. I bet they weren't even expecting us.

... Let the record show I don't care we're being rude, I just think he's an idiot. Idiots seem to like me. I remember the HIVE FIVE boys liking me, and if that is not proof, then I don't know what is.

"We're here! Hello, Titans West!"

Five confused faces looked up.

Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing a racing car video game that the HIVE FIVE boys used to play, Raven was reading and Starfire and Robin were taking and giggling like any couple would.

I sighed again. Kid Flash and sighs usually came hand in hand. "Would you please put me down now? We're here," I said exasperated at the Kid Flash's apparent idiocy.

"Hmm… No, I don't think I will. I happen to very much like having you in my arms." Gawd, how embarrassing can he get? We were in front of people!

"Kid Flash, there are bystanders! Later!" I hissed.


"Lay-ter," I said making it two words. He put me down when my eyes started glowing. I looked up to see five teen Titans looking at us like they've never seen a couple.

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