Alone 5

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Jinx set the pad down on beside her and leaned back against the cushion of the mattress. Did he really mean everything he said? Apart from all the goofiness and buffoonery anyway. Jinx had long ago promised to get home but she was determined like never before, if not just for her and Kid Flash's future but that of everyone else as well. It simply boggled her mind how one person can make such a difference. She would. She would not let their sacrifices and toils go to waste. She was going home, whether the forces that sent her to the future liked it or not.


"Jinx….Jinx wake up!" Groaning irritably, Jinx's eyes slowly opened at Raven's prodding. Soon the blurry form of Raven before her focused. Jinx sat up, shaking her head of fatigue.

"What is it? It's five in the morning."

"Yeah sorry, but we have a problem."

"I'm waiting for words like that to get old," mumbled Jinx. She rose out of the hospital bed and followed the holographic Raven to a wall screen. With a wave of her hand Raven brought the screen to life. It showed them digital representations of three circuit breakers.

"So what am I looking at?" asked Jinx.

"These breakers feed power into the time machine," said Raven. "I was running a diagnostic this morning, and there's a problem with breaker two. The power isn't reaching the time machine's buffer." Jinx roamed her eyes over the screen. "In fact similar power failures have been happening over the past week."

"So what do we do?" asked Jinx.

"The conduits have to be repaired."

"Where are they?"

Raven dreaded this. "They're located within the T-Sub docking bay."

Jinx screwed up face. "I don't get it Raven; I thought the lower parts of the tower were flooded." Raven nodded while scratching the back of her neck. "Are you telling me they're underwater?"

"Unfortunately yes."

"Wonderful!" exclaimed.

"There is a merging option, we can force the needed power through the two other remaining breakers but that's not something we really want to try."

"And why is that?" asked Jinx, rubbing her forehead.

"The machine's unstable as it is, forcing that much power into it at one time will probably cause an overload." Jinx couldn't help but chuckle to herself. It was ironic how advanced things were in this time period and yet they were so utterly useless that it was just too funny.

"This just isn't my lucky week," muttered Jinx.

"Look I wouldn't put anymore pressure on you but I'm nor really in a position to do anything about it. You're the only one who can get down there and make repairs. And I don't think I need to remind you that we're on the clock here."

"No, you don't," said Jinx solemnly. "Alright, what do I do?"

Raven smiled. "Okay, there's an access point here…" She pointed to a display outside the tower. "Now listen carefully, repairing gel-pack conduits can be a tricky business."

Once Jinx had been given a concise, albeit still a little complicated, repair training she and Raven stood in the main entrance hall. Jinx hated the idea of having to once again dip into the icy water around the tower. However this time she was given a wet suit which Raven told her would keep her fairly warm. Jinx pulled on the last of her suit, which fit her body quite snuggly.

"Ready?" asked Raven.

"Not exactly, where's my air?" asked Jinx gesturing to the lack of oxygen tanks.

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